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Charles, my silent salesperson

August 7 2010 at 1:40 AM

I haven't introduced Charles to the forum before.

Charles, (named after Darwin) is my silent salesperson.

I say named after Charles Darwin, because in my mind, Encapsulation is the beginning of the commercial carpet cleaning evolution. wink.gif

Anyhow, enough waffling on, here's Charles.

Charles in the sack.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

An upright Charles.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Close-up of Charles.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

His side-kick, (Bluey), comes complete with flashing red light on top.

Whenever I do commercial work, Charles stands guard at the entrance.

Bluey is always there as well.

When I'm in a shopping centre doing work, the flashing light attracts attention, people stop to see what's going on, read Charles and I get extra work.

I got the idea a couple of years back when I seen Rick had a roll-up banner at his display, thanks Rick.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Charles, my silent salesperson

August 7 2010, 2:22 AM 

I like that idea Shorty! Very slick indeed. It's a clever plan and I'm sure that it would work. I never thought of doing that in our commercial cleaning business. You guys pay attention - Shorty's onto a cool idea here!!!

But the names Shorty. Whassup with the names? "Charles and Bluey" A roll-up banner named Charles. And an orange cone named Bluey. Gotta love the Aussies. At least one very creative one called Shorty. wink.gif

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: Charles, my silent salesperson

August 7 2010, 9:14 AM 

Good Idea Shorty

Rick all of my vans and equipment have names, I mean how else can you yell at them when they break down or dont do what they should.

It also helps when cataloging what you have

This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Aug 7, 2010 9:27 AM


Ta again

August 7 2010, 9:22 PM 

Ta for the nice words.

I should emphasize that I took the photos PRIOR to cleaning the carpet there. happy.gif

Over the years I have had different signs, mainly corflute type ones that used to get shabby looking & were a P.I.T.A. to carry around.

Then I saw Rick's idea.

Last year, one of the guys in our local BNI chapter came along with a roll-up banner.

The rest is now history.

Even though I have my business name on our shirts and equipment, I took a page out of SFS and decided to look at my image through any PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS eyes.

What did I see ??

When I'm working, the print above my shirt pocket is too small to read, or maybe my back is towards the person looking, (& I don't have our name emblazened across my back), so that person can't see the company name.

So I figured I needed something large that they could easily read at their leisure.

I also figured that I needed something different to attract their attention, hence the flashing safety cone.

Cost me less than AU$400.00 all up & has repayed me in over forty grand in the last year or so, which to me, is a good R.O.I.

Much better than smellow yellow. wink.gif


Shortestwun from the land down under.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Charles, my silent salesperson
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