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restaurant carpets

August 8 2010 at 6:26 PM

I cleaned a "very dirty" restaurant carpet with my cimex.
I used 4oz Release It with 2oz Spot & Boost/gal of water.
It looked pretty good,but when I wiped the traffic areas with a cloth, dirt came up. Do I need to use a TM after,use a diferent product,does the carpet have to dry before Release It works????

Don Eldred

Re: restaurant carpets

August 8 2010, 7:28 PM 

The key words "very dirty" would tell me that you should pre-scrub with the cimex and than extracted with your TM.



August 8 2010, 10:24 PM 

I was told that using a TM after using a Cimex neutralizes the encapsulation process

Rick Thode

Re: restaurant

August 8 2010, 10:43 PM 

Hi Bruce:

That is true. When you extract the Releasit, you are removing the encapsulating polymers. Also, Releasit DS is a high foaming solution. So you may tend to get extra foam in your waste tank. It is a good idea to extract when you have a really heavily soiled carpet in a restaurant as this will get rid of the bulk of the greasy soil.

A great way to get an amazing result is to prespray the carpet with Releasit Punch as it has more solvency and is designed for extraction. Agitate it in with your cimex and grey pads. Then extract with your truck and Punch metered in as well according to directions. This reduces the chance of wicking and leaves some encapsulating polymer behind.

Then if you want to give the grand finale. Do your regular Releasit in you Cimex to polish it off. You will get the ultimate result. Of course you'll want to price the job accordingly. If this is a regular account that is being done every few months, you can then proceed to regular maintenance using just the Cimex and Releasit.

Sometimes you have to dredge out the pit before you can use just encapsulation.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex


Re: restaurant

August 8 2010, 11:04 PM 

Thanks for your help guys


Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode gets a Gold Star

August 9 2010, 3:47 AM 

I couldn't have said it any better myself!

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]


Restaurant carpets

August 9 2010, 5:33 AM 

Just adding my 2cents worth..... I would of padded over to pick up the extra & yes when the Release had dryed just vacuum over to pick up extra or yes as per other great seggestions


Joel Riggs

Re: Restaurant carpets

August 12 2010, 3:05 AM 

Just adding another couple of cents worth. I dont see where anyone responded to your last sentence. Yes Releasit has to dry before it can encap the dirt into a crystal. So wiping a towel on it while wet will result in removing dirt that has not yet been crystalized yet. If I understand the process correctly.

Current Topic - restaurant carpets
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS