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sometimes you just have to dump the "teaching" and jump at the moment

August 20 2010 at 10:10 PM

I'm about recovered from the ankle surgery so I can dress as Rick suggests for selling commercial work. Well I had my therapy today and was out fixing cases of stupid from my janitorial workers (seems they forgot cleaning includes such things as vacuuming, dusting, and mopping). So, I was wearing jeans and a company logo polo shirt when I went to my gym for the hot tub (makes therapy recovery quicker). On the way I saw the GM wasn't busy!

I asked for a couple of minutes. Brought up they had just closed part of the place for cleaning and it didn't look to have been cleaned. We drifted to T&G, carpet, and the hardwood basketball court. She almost came out of her seat when I asked if I could drop off a proposal.

This is the flagship location for this chain. They have 9 other locations. Since I can offer them one stop shopping and can do the job during the 5 hours they are closed they are 90% sold just because I took advantage of an unexpected opening.

Next up being dressed properly and hitting the assisted living centers (3 and a 4th being built) in the area.

Don't know about anyone else, but, it's starting to get busy here again.

Rick Lord


August 22 2010, 11:22 AM 

George, Congrats hope you get the deal. I just got 7 fitness centers and we have completed three last week. A little tip if you do get them make sure you have A LOT of gum remover. I used almost a whole bottle on the first one and bought a gallon hopefully it last for the rest. I swear they just spit it out anywhere. I had two Cimex's going and a rotary with pad and it took between 6 and 7 hrs.
We currently have a quarterly maint plan in for their review.
Good luck if I can be of any help give me a call 678-350-3402



August 22 2010, 4:05 PM 

Thanks I may take you up on that. I hadn't even thought about gum remover! Add to list.

This place could be very nice, but, their people can't figure out how to keep the mold/mildew out of the showers and sauna. Doesn't look like they have ever cleaned the carpet.

Current Topic - sometimes you just have to dump the "teaching" and jump at the moment
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS