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Rick, question about your new Transits...

September 5 2010 at 11:04 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Hey Rick, just wondering what you typically carry in the Transit for equipment? I looked at the transit and wondered how I would fit a small TM (maybe a sapphire) AND the low-moisture stuff (Cimex, OP, GLS) I'm guessing you are 100% vlm with no HWE?



PS Nice looking wrap!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, question about your new Transits...

September 6 2010, 8:01 AM 

We provide commercial carpet cleaning and floor care with our Transit van. The Transit is a small van, so you don't have a ton of room. But I think it's really perfect for commercial cleaning.

For carpet care: There's a Cimex. There's an X-Vac. A Gecko 3 gallon extractor. There's a Brute garbage can with dolly for bringing stuff into buildings. There's an aluminum ramp. And there are about 10 gallons of chemicals sitting in shelves on the walls.

For floor care: There's a wet vac. There's a high speed buffer. There's a mop bucket & wringer. There are a couple of mops and a dust mop. The floor care stuff can quickly be removed from the side doors, in order to load a larger extractor for jobs where extraction is needed.

I would not recommend putting a truckmount in this van. The van could handle the weight of a small truckmount, but it would get too crowded for it to be practical. When we were in Nashville at Sapphire Scientific, they had one of the small Sapphire units installed in a Transit Connect to demonstrate how compact the truckmount is. But IMHO it was way too crowded inside the van with the truckmount installed.

It's an awesome truck to drive. It drives more like a European sedan, very tight. The Transit Connect has been on the road in Europe for many years, so it's a proven design. It was smart for Ford to bring this over for the American business owners. There's a niche that's been untapped since the Chevy Astro disappeared - and in all honesty this truck is a lot nicer than the Astro was. It opens on both sides and it has similar head room like a full sized van. We love ours!

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Bill Martins

Legends Transit

September 7 2010, 3:28 AM 

If I may Rick...

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

And I couldn't leave out...

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Legends Transit

September 7 2010, 8:45 AM 

I guess that you could put the vacuum cleaner and spotting kit on the roof.


Re: Legends Transit

September 10 2010, 2:44 PM 

Just remove the passener seat and bam! Room for a cimex or vacuum or bucket oh spotters! ok maybe not the cimex, but definitaly a vacuum.

Current Topic - Rick, question about your new Transits...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS