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why encap looks clean?

September 7 2010 at 5:20 PM
Robert Beets  

I have bonnet cleaned for many years and have never had issues except that sometimes it takes numerous passes to truly get it clean. I have recently tried encapping using several products including Releasit and must admit the immediate appearance is truly impressive. As an experiment I bonnet cleaned after encapping and the bonnet where very dirty. So I know it's cutting the dirt and residues but why does it look cleaner even before or without bonneting.How is it making the soil load appear less or to be gone.In the pass the only way to do that was optical brighteners.Please explain.


Rick Gelinas

Re: why encap looks clean?

September 7 2010, 5:30 PM 

The soil is still there until it's extracted via the post-vacuuming process.

The reason it looks clean right away is that carpet is made up of fiber and empty space. There's a lot of space down and around each tuft of fiber. So there's plenty of room for the soil to hide. With encapsulation, we're displacing the soil from the fiber. After the carpet is scrubbed the soil is no longer on the upper portion of the fiber where it's visible. The soil is still in the carpet until the post-vacuuming process - but it looks clean right away since the dirt can no longer be seen. That's the simple version of what you're seeing.

My ol' friend, the late Bob Wittkamp coined the phrase to answer the question "Where does the dirt go with encap?" His reply: "It turns into money!" happy.gif

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

Phil R

Re: why encap looks clean?

September 7 2010, 9:33 PM 

Nice. I am so using that line.


why encap looks clean.

September 13 2010, 6:57 AM 

People say the dirt is in the carpet untill it is vacummed next day.After you have cleaned a house,or office,take your pads off and wash them.You will be very suprised to see how much dirt the pads pick up and hold,so it is not right to say all the dirt is left to be vacummed out next day.

Current Topic - why encap looks clean?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS