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Cimex; Yellow plate

September 15 2010 at 11:49 AM

I know my Mex is gettin on in age, and the next thing I think I will have to replace is the yellow plate above the spinning blue deck. It has cracked near the pivot arms on both sides and will not stop scraping the deck as it spins.

I have tried pushing down on the front of the plate to bow it out, and that used to work, but now no use. Also, not sure if this is a coincidence or not, but when I put on the big boy wheels is when it seemed to get worse.

Are there any quick fixes or permanent fixes for this issue?


Don Eldred

Re: Cimex; Yellow plate

September 15 2010, 11:51 AM 

Just replaced it on both our machines


Re: Cimex; Yellow plate

September 15 2010, 2:38 PM 


More than likely the Bumper Shield was bent when you installed the wheel kits. If you wanted to fix the machine without buying parts, you can! The issue lies in the pivot bracket! The two bolts should be level to each other. If you use a pry bar and adjust them, the head will stop flipping, if it is cracked you can have it welded. Also glue a rubber bumper to the fork of the arm so that it will soften the impact. If you install a new bumper shield you will still need the rubber bumper!

The install can take up to 3hours. I would strongly suggest replacing the bearings at the same time!
You will need a pulley puller
Performance tool part # w80653 form Discount Auto

New bumper shield $96.59
2 Center Bearings $74.00
6 Brush pulley bearings $94.56

Phil R

Re: Cimex; Yellow plate

September 15 2010, 5:47 PM 

Case of beer for friend who is handy so he can replace those parts:


Re: Cimex; Yellow plate

September 16 2010, 12:00 AM 

Thanks for the info...Will try it out tomorrow!

Current Topic - Cimex; Yellow plate
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS