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Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010 at 7:47 AM
Lance C  

Hey Gang,

I'm just entering into this industry with 2 months under my belt of actual "field work" although I've been educating myself and setting up my business for over a year now.
I have a nice 6x10 trailer setup with a Challenger 3/4 hp., Extractor, Heater, etc.

My question is this,I just landed a 6000+ sq ft.
commercial account, wide open spaces and all beige CGD.
It is Not trashed as most of the traffic on it is with bare feet! (Yes a Karate Studio)

although money is tight because of all the stuff I've already bought (without a lot of income coming in yet), I almost feel I should go out on a limb and somehow buy a cimex for this job and hopefully more commercial jobs soon. I do have the challenger but would you agree that 6000+ sq ft. would warrant a Cimex? This would be an ongoing account and would probably need cleaning at least twice a year.

Would love some input on this and thank you all for all the great advice and education I've already received from this board and other boards of the same integrity.


Steve Dills

Re: Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010, 7:56 AM 

I was in the same boat early in the summer. I bought a Cimex and bought into the ReleasIt product line. One of the best things I have ever done. Have booked many commercial jobs using the Cimex. It and ReleasIt do a superior job on CGD than HWE. With this one job you will pay for the cimex and start up kit. Any new jobs are mostly profit. Great machine and great products.


go with what you got

September 23 2010, 8:01 AM 

Use a fiber plus pad on your OP. I would price that job at $700-$900, hardly enough to warrant spending $3000 on another machine. Stay out of debt and you can stay in this business as long as you like.

Joe M

You can

September 23 2010, 8:41 AM 

You can also use a fiber plus on a rotory machine(swing). You can rent floor machines cheap. Then save your money and then buy big yellow. I use a 17" machine now with a shampoo tank. Only until I can buy a new mex.


Re: You can

September 23 2010, 9:01 AM 


Can you finance the machine 100% and still make a profit?
Can you find other similar jobs like this one (size and price)?

If you can answer yes to both questions, I would strongly consider it.

To a lesser degree as your answers change.

It would be a nice piece of equipment to have for that job.



re: Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010, 8:49 AM 

Right now you probably have more time than money. You already have the tools to do this job. The only thing that a cimex will add is speed. Consider adding a cimex to your lineup some time down the road, but IMO, it's not necessary yet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: re: Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010, 9:20 AM 

"Right now you probably have more time than money. You already have the tools to do this job. The only thing that a cimex will add is speed. Consider adding a cimex to your lineup some time down the road, but IMO, it's not necessary yet."

I agree with what Russ said.

When the time is right we'll give you a great deal on a Cimex, provide the BEST encap juice in the industry, include some great marketing material, provide getting started instructions, and give you all the hand holding you could ask for.

But for now, take it one step at a time.

Rick Gelinas
[linked image]

David Hebert

Re: re: Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010, 1:02 PM 

I buy new equipment when I cannot keep up with the work load, or my wife tell me something like if you don't just buy what you need I'll do it for you.

Save your money for now a OP or Rotary will bang it out just fine.

Joel Riggs

Re: re: Is it Cimex Time?

September 23 2010, 8:55 PM 

Not to be the devil on your shoulder But I have seen a couple of Cimexs for sale on other boards recently. A 24" (too big for your needs) for $1500 and I think the other is a 19" for $1500.
I love my cimex that I bought 3 years ago and have never regretted for a second that I got it.

I am kind of a sissy and I like machines that make my life easier . And the Cimex had made my life alot easier.

Current Topic - Is it Cimex Time?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS