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Tuwaying, will it improve removal?

October 14 2010 at 11:38 AM
Claude Van Damme 

I clean this office once a month, the DS works well on this CGD carpet squares.
BUT, a day or two later if any one spills anything, a couple drips of coffee, tea, etc. and we wipe it wipe a towel there is a lot of dirt on the towel and that spot if noticeably cleaner for a couple weeks.

Now, even though we Cimex with max pads, the DS does a good job, the appearance is greatly improved, there is definitely noticeable residue left on the service. We do vacuum, so it is not encapsulation crystals.

I do Cimex this office, because the appearance is very good and HWE does wick back bad. Some of you may say, is there a lot of soil load in the carpet? I say "yes"

That is not what is happening, try an experiment at your next job, wait a couple days, take a damp white towel and make circular motions in about a 6 inch round area. You will get a noticeable amount of soil, it happens every time.

Cimexing has it place and I like it, I want more.

Rick Lord

Try Again

October 14 2010, 5:54 PM 

HWE it and then try the same thing I have and you'll be surprised!


that's why I use an OP machine

October 14 2010, 6:35 PM 

There is a reason I encap with an OP machine and gladiator pads. By the time they bother calling me the carpet is nasty. I charge them extra for the initial cleaning (OP with encap) and drop the price to my "normal" level for follow up straight encap (with either glad pads or fiber plus or white VCT pads). If they are hanging around (no keys passed) and see the pads come off black they tend to not complain as much over the initial cost! The second time I clean it and they see how many fewer pads I use on the follow up they really understand how much crud is getting removed.

Joel Riggs

Re: Tuwaying, will it improve removal?

October 14 2010, 7:54 PM 

My guess is this. The janitorial crew is not vacuuming very well. so you should go back to this job with a good vacuum with a beater bar and provide a very thorough vacuuming. That should solve the problem.

The extraction of encap is done by the crystals being released when vacuumed.



Re: Tuwaying, will it improve removal?

October 15 2010, 6:57 AM 

If you have a Rotary nearby, adding an absorbent pad or microfibre bonnet will amaze you.
Some times 'scrub & runs' will catch you out. Great for extra soil removal in the daggy areas.
We always post bonnet anything questionable - as the photo proves.
Don't rely on just your encap to do all the hard work. Same goes for upholstery.

[linked image]


Revolutionary Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Yes it can help on the trashed ones

October 15 2010, 2:09 PM 

Like Stuart said - a little post-bonneting will help. You can slap some Tuway bonnets onto your Cimex and run over the traffic lanes right after you scrub with the Cimex. Or as Stuart suggested you can run a rotary or OP machine over the carpet afterward with an absorbent bonnet such as a MicroFiber bonnet to pull some additional soil. Doing some post-bonneting makes a difference on the heavily soiled ones. The final bonneting process pulls some extra soil and finishes off the carpet nicely.

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]


Re: Yes it can help on the trashed ones

October 15 2010, 4:25 PM 

Rick would it matter which you did first? Remove the heavy soil with the orbot prior to using the Cimex or would you Cimex and then run over it with the Orbot?


Re: Yes it can help on the trashed ones

October 16 2010, 10:49 AM 

Here is my view for what it is worth.

Soil down in layers so it will come off in layers also.Using the machine that will take the most layers in put the soil in suspension the quickest is what I use.

This varies from building to building with my set up, but if you have a Cimex I would use that first with fiber plus or Max pads after prespraying with Punch that would give the best opportunity to get as much of the soil load to break up the quickest.

Then if needed bonnet pad or what every you want to remove the suspended soils.

Since I run with a helper most times these days one machine scrubs one machine uses pads on soil impacted jobs, this moves things along nice.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Yes it can help on the trashed ones

October 17 2010, 4:47 PM 

As David mentioned. Cimex first - and then post-bonneting afterward with the Cimex / Rotary / OP will produce the best "added soil extraction" results.

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 17, 2010 4:47 PM

Current Topic - Tuwaying, will it improve removal?
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