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sq ft per hour

October 14 2010 at 10:57 PM

I have been cleaning open areas with my cimex. I clean one way with DS, other way no solution. I am averaging 1000sq. ft./hr.
I do not think I am going too slow. What am I doing wrong?


Joe DeSouza

Try this...

October 14 2010, 11:09 PM 

I think you should be getting around 2,000 feet / hr...I know this sounds silly but try to go a little faster on the first run with the solution trigger full on, then on the 2nd pass go a little slower to work the solution in, and gently feather the trigger every 3-4 seconds to keep the pads damp - works for me and I avg 2000 on the straightaways



Re: sq ft per hour

October 15 2010, 8:09 AM 

What size cimex & how dirty? You'll never reach 2500 sqft/hr with a 15 'mex on nasty carpet.

Brushes or pads.

Try walking faster.


Rick Gelinas

Re: sq ft per hour

October 15 2010, 2:03 PM 

Joe's description above is exact! That's the way to do it. You should easily be able to achieve 2,000 sq ft per hour in the manner that Joe described above. Wet pass - dry pass. Walk faster on your wet pass and walk slower on your dry pass feathering our just a little more solution on the dry pass. That will achieve 2,000 sq ft plus per hour.

And on lightly soiled carpet you can make just 1 pass feathering the solution the entire time as you make a moderately slow pass. Making the single pass - it's easy to hit 3,000+ per sq ft per hour when you're cleaning lightly soiled carpet. And let's face it, a lot of the carpet in a typical building is lightly soiled. So when you average it out, you should see a median cleaning rate of 2,500 sq ft per hour. At least that's what my techs and I normally hit with the Cimex / Releasit / and FiberPlus pads.

Hope this gives you some food for thought. And if you need further assistance I can be reached at 1-800-330-1888 ext 301.

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]


Re: sq ft per hour

October 15 2010, 3:37 PM 

Thanks guys.
Makes sense. I will follow your advise. Thanks again

Current Topic - sq ft per hour
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS