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Modded my Orbot!

October 21 2010 at 11:22 AM

Joe DeSouza 

There were some previous posts about modifying the large drive plate so it wont "drill" the baseboards..well, I did just that! I cut down the big velcro driver to 16 1/2 inches diameter (From 19"), and mounted it DIRECTLY to the gray drive plate (the black 15" Velcro plate was removed)...It involved some drilling to mount the big plate to the driver, and some time involved to get it all done, but now I have a driver that will max out the usable surface area without hitting the baseboards...

Ill post how it works once I use it on monday in a hotel hallway...I think it is the PERFECT sized driver for the big 21" glad pads...


BTW, 16 1/2 inches is the right size to cut it to, accounting for the arc of the oscillation...when it oscillates, it goes right up to the edge of the white plastic bumper on the machine...

This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Oct 21, 2010 11:26 AM
This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Oct 21, 2010 11:25 AM

Thomas Owens

Re: Modded my Orbot!

October 21 2010, 5:13 PM 

I think you might have read my post about that. I still am very pleased with trimming down the pad holder. Plus it gives some leeway when the pads shrink a bit.

David Hebert

Re: Modded my Orbot!

October 22 2010, 6:45 AM 

Using pads that are about an inch larger then any driver used for what ever machine used has eliminated the base board hitting for us.

Hope your mods work for you, I would order another drive and do the same to it if your alterations work out.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Modded my Orbot!

October 22 2010, 8:47 AM 

I also decided to cut down the driver because i've heard some people saying that the machine would bog a little with the big driver...this should help...

David Hebert

Re: Modded my Orbot!

October 28 2010, 2:39 PM 

Joe we use the larger driver almost exclusively no problems even with 20 pounds of weight on it.

Current Topic - Modded my Orbot!
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