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Orbot Issue

October 22 2010 at 11:50 PM

I know many many folks who have the Orbot and have had NO problems (significant) For what ever reason, I have.

Earlier this year we had to replace a bearing piece for the driver. As it got worse we noticed black marks apearing on our the same places as all the screws on the black velcro driver.

No idea why that was happening, but eventually the disk wouldnt turn.

Now, the disk turns but the black marks are reappearing.

I will follow up with pics when I get to my office computer.

Tonight, the black velcro driver completely ate through all the screws on the gray driver, Yet we havent had the same issue we did before with the bearings.

What is going on???

Again, I KNOW many of you have NO problems w the orbot. I am only interested in those who have the same issues, or might know whats going on.

I love the machine, but between constant issues with the spray jets, jugs not fitting (and the subsequent seperate of the weld holding the jug holder) and the disk & bearings I dont know what to do to remedy these situations!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Orbot Issue

October 23 2010, 1:27 AM 

Hi Matt,

I am really sorry to hear that you're having these issues with your Orbot.

Drew at our office is really slick when it comes to the mechanical stuff. He's kind of a guru when it comes to anything mechanical. It's great having him on our staff because he's generally pretty good at figuring our things and troubleshooting. So give him a call and I'm sure he'll be able to get this sorted out.

By the way, have you contacted HOS about this? Hruby is the manufacturer and as such they may have run across this already and can advise you. I have not personally heard anyone with this issue on an Orbot.

It's a machine - and stuff can go wrong. On the flip side - since it's a machine there's gotta be a reason for what's happening and it shouldn't be all that hard to get it sorted out.

I can appreciate how frustrating it is when a machine you're counting on lets you down. But between Jeff at HOS and Drew at our office, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this. Hang in there bud.

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]


Re: Orbot Issue

October 23 2010, 11:02 AM 

We've had similar experience and as Rick said Drew is very knowledgeable, however for the issues we contacted Jeff at Hurby.

They got us the parts and we got the machines back up and running.


Re: Orbot Issue

October 24 2010, 1:48 AM 

Thanksfor the info!



October 25 2010, 2:53 PM 

[linked image]

[linked image]

[linked image]

[linked image]


Joe DeSouza

So what was the problem?

October 25 2010, 5:38 PM 

Hey Matt,

So what was the problem? Did Hruby help you out? I just want to be prepared in case this happened to me!




Re: So what was the problem?

October 25 2010, 9:40 PM 


I talked to Drew breifly today. I'm hoping to hear back from him tomorrow.

not sure how to contact Jeff directly, but I will try to look up a number for Hruby and work from there.

Ill keep you updated!



Re: So what was the problem?

October 26 2010, 8:21 AM 

E-mail us at

Call us at
(909) 657-9023
(877) 716-7714 Toll Free

(909) 657-9056

David Hebert

Re: So what was the problem?

October 28 2010, 2:37 PM 

It happened to me a few times causes or combo of can be no glider, not enough lubrication, Velcro in bad shape not holding pads well.

WE have spent more money on repairs and down time with the Orbot in two years then a spent on my rotary in 15, but the upside is the Orbot is user friendly exspecially for new people and easier on the back.

I will buy a new one also, they are almost as versatile are a rotary and my helpers fight over the one we have now.



Re: So what was the problem?

October 28 2010, 11:20 PM 

Well, I was informed the only way the screws will eat through the disk was they were loose...even though we tighten them by hand every day.

So, I went ahead and used lock tite, PH3 bit and used a drill to tighten. Also, I replaced the silver fastner for the screws (they were rusted).

Also, HOS has new filter screens that stop the dripping, so I bought 2 at 11.95 a piece.

Our overly tight cage is a few hundred to replace, so we will go ahead and file & sand it down some more, and hope the bottles will eventually fit w/o eventually breaking.

Current Topic - Orbot Issue
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