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Microfiber sofa

November 12 2010 at 8:23 PM
Joe M 

Got a call today from a friend, when can u come over to clean my microfiber sofa.

Went over, thing was covered with dog hair. I vaced for a good 45 min and I am so sore now..LOL

How can people live like this. I have never seen so much dog hair.

Anywho, hand shampooed it with Releasit DS and I was shocked how good it came out.

one hour and 30 min and a check for 100 I gave her a little break cause she is a friend.

Oh then when I got home my wifes car broke down.

This message has been edited by jtmellon on Nov 12, 2010 8:26 PM

Geoff Alger

Re: Microfiber sofa

November 13 2010, 12:51 AM 


Don't waste your time vaccing pet hair. There's many ways to skin a cat!!

Try a wet/damp rubber glove, wipe the fabric and the hair will roll up. A length of duct tape works well for shorter hair thats ingrown into the fabric.

If it is a small pet, and you can get a good grip, rub the pet up and down the fabric. It won't do anything but might make you feel better. (just joking)

Always tell the client that it is near impossible to remove all the hair, so they may see the odd one when you've finished.

Joe M


November 13 2010, 1:00 AM 

You had me going on the one part..Funny

Thanks for the ideas. I will remember them next time.


Kevin Pearson


November 13 2010, 8:11 PM 


That was funny about rubbing the pet on the sofa. I think we have all wanted to do that before.

I also love it when people don't know how to get their pet to quit peeing on the rug or carpet. Everytime I want to tell them the obvious. Put the pet in the back yard.

Also, we like the rubber glove trick too, it will save you a lot of time vacuuming.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Microfiber sofa
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