In our commercial carpet cleaning business - we have always provided "Commercial Floor & Carpet Care". It's a good fit. And as you have noticed, if you don't do it, your competition will. Stripping is indeed messy, but it's not that difficult. Here is an overview of the 3 types of service that are required for smallish floor care accounts. And keep in mind, this can become even more profitable, if you're performing carpet cleaning simultaneously in other parts of the building while the floor finish is drying.
Floor Stripping (.25-.50 per sq ft)
1. Dustmop the floor.
2. Apply a "rinse free" stripper solution to the floor.
3. Fill the Cimex with water and attach Lightning Strip pads.
4. Scrub the floor slowly, making multiple passes. Dispense water from the Cimex as you scrub.
5. Hand-scrub / detail the corners and edges. with a doodlebug, brush, or mop.
6. Wet-vac the floor using a wet-vac with a front mounted squeegee.
7. Rinse the floor with a mop bucket of fresh water.
8. Apply 4-6 even coats of floor finish to the floor using a finish mop.
9. Burnishing the floor with a soft pad after it has dried thoroughly may improve the overall appearance.
Scrub & Recoat (.10-.20 per sq ft)
1. Dustmop the floor.
2. Fill the Cimex with a neutral floor cleaner and attach FiberPlus Max pads.
3. Scrub the floor slowly, making multiple passes.
4. Wet-vac the floor using a wet-vac with a front mounted squeegee.
5. Rinse the floor with a mop bucket of fresh water.
6. Apply 1-2 even coats of floor finish to the floor using a finish mop (in the wear areas only).
7. After the finish has dried thoroughly, burnish the entire floor.
Clean & Buff (.05-.10 per sq ft)
1. Dustmop the floor
2. Mop or scrub the floor with Pioneer's Rebound Cleaner/Enhancer
3. Burnish the floor with a 1500 rpm or higher UHS burnisher.
As you can see, this is ain't rocket science. You can use your Cimex for stripping - in fact it strips amazingly well. Just make sure you wipe it down with a wet rag as soon as your done stripping, because the emulsified floor finish will make your Cimex look terrible in a hurry. YOu will also need a wet-vac with a front mounted squeegee, and a UHS buffer. You'll also need a mop bucket with a down-press wringer. And you'll need a dust mop, as well as a rinse mop, and a finish mop.
P.S. We handle a full line of Pioneer Eclipse Floor Care Products. I've been around the block a few times doing floor care for over 25 years. I've tried everything, and have found Pioneer's products to be state of the art across the board. We also carry burnishers and wet-vacs. So if you need help give us a holler 1-800-330-1888.

Rick Gelinas
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