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Old versions of Internet Explorer --- it's time for an UPGRADE

December 6 2010 at 5:44 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We've had a couple of complaints from people who are trying to view the site and are running into issues. All of them are running older versions of Windows Internet Explorer. So I sent a request to our website developer and here is the answer...

Those are all the exact symptoms of a bad case of IE 6! I absolutely hate that browser!!!! It's old as dirt and doesn't support png image files so anything that's got transparencies will not show up correctly. It will look terrible. IE 6 is very old and obsolete. You cannot have a good looking modern website in IE 6, it's impossible. I have tried many times, to no avail. You would be amazed at what these people are actually seeing when they surf the net. EVERYTHING looks horrible. Even major sites don't look good in IE6, they just don't know any better.

Newer versions of IE (7 or 8) will look perfect on the site. I tested it. They will have to upgrade their browsers. There's no way around it. I would recommend firefox and have them enable ClearType fonts in windows or simply upgrade to IE7 or IE8

So there you have it gang... it's time to upgrade from IE6 wink.gif

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]

David Edwards

Re: Old versions of Internet Explorer --- it's time for an UPGRADE

December 6 2010, 7:52 PM 

Just as an option, I use Chrome and love it - and no issues with this site before or after the recent upgrade (nice site, by the way, Rick.)

I've used IE, Firefox and Safari and for the past 18 months or so, those browsers sit idle on my desktop. I've found Chrome to be consistently faster, no compatibility issues (yet) and secure.

Just thought I'd throw this out there if someone is looking for a good browser. Just search for Google Chrome.

David Edwards
Carpets To Go
New Bern, NC


Rick Gelinas

Site issues with old browsers

December 7 2010, 8:20 AM 

Looking at the site in old versions of Internet Explorer is definitely causing some problems. I apologize for this. We are getting into this right now - and should hopefully have it sorted out before long. After all, it's not like we can send out a message to everyone and tell them to upgrade to a current browser or switch to Firefox now can we? wink.gif

Don't ya just love Microsoft? The site looks perfect on every browser in the world - except for their junk. Fun fun!

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 7, 2010 8:21 AM

Current Topic - Old versions of Internet Explorer --- it's time for an UPGRADE
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS