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December 14 2010 at 3:13 PM

Finally got a call from an owner of several rehabilitation centers in my area. The company that they were using for janitorial & carpet cleaning went out of buiz. some months ago.

Since then, unknown "stains" are appearing all over the place. The owner called the carpet manufacturer (SHAW) and a rep came out to look at it. He gave him a very "informative" packet of commercial cleaning requirements to follow, and told him to hire a steam cleaner to clean the place.

Here is my issue: I saw the place, and I can encap the heck out of it and it will look awesome. We do it all the time. But we know that SHAW wont allow that!

The documents he handed me state that truckmounts are to be used, and portables only if a truckmount cant reach. I have a portable, but no TM. He personally won't know the difference, as long as the carpet is clean, however, if the stains are something that is seaping from the concrete (i have seen this quite a few times) then its obvious the stains will reappear, and Mr. SHAW will be looking for IICRC certified equipment on my truck.

Has anyone dealt w this situation before? It really sucks knowing I can clean his facility, and the other three, effectively w the equipment I have now!



What I found on Shaw's Website

December 14 2010, 4:22 PM 

This is what I found on Shaw's website and it specifically states that you can use Interim Cleaning methods and even specs a product that they manufacture for the process! You will notice that the Bonnet cleaning and Encapsulation are mentioned completely separate and Bonnet cleaning is not suggested! You would be in 100% compliance with their maintenance program using encapsulation if it is scheduled correctly.

See for yourself!



Re: What I found on Shaw's Website

December 14 2010, 5:10 PM 

Shaw's endorsed the Demon so, if you must then give a quick extract and post encap, problem solved. After that you can just encap due to Shaw's own specs as already pointed out


Rick Gelinas

Re: What I found on Shaw's Website

December 14 2010, 5:47 PM 

Drew and David nailed it. Shaw themselves endorse encapsulation. And as David mentioned - they also approve the Steamin Demon - which is a reasonably priced portable that's really helpful on commercial jobs. THis is a problem solver all the way around and you WILL be compliant with their wishes.

Rick Gelinas


[linked image]


Re: What I found on Shaw's Website

December 14 2010, 11:51 PM 

Thanks guys, just needed that re assurance!

Don Eldred

Re: What I found on Shaw's Website

December 15 2010, 7:57 AM 

It is fine to have our assurance, however, that is not to say you have Shaw's blessing on this particular job.


Re: What I found on Shaw's Website

December 16 2010, 8:54 PM 

We got the job! Nothing major...yet.

Current Topic - Shaw...Uggghhhh
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