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Do you vacuum every time?

December 18 2010 at 4:47 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Do you vacuum every comm job you do?

I just did a 3,500 sqft Commercial job by my selfers and had to vacuum it; last time it was already vacced, they must of forgot to do it for this cleaning!...took me exactly one hour to vac and move chairs, etc so my loss time-wise but I STILL averaged well beyond what I make for HWE residential per hour!! (I cimexed it)

Next time i'm gonna bring a wider vac, though!



Re: Do you vacuum every time?

December 18 2010, 4:55 PM 

We do contract cleaning with a hotel, and they vacuum it constantly. that situation we dont usually vacuum, run the mex and call it day!

95% of the time we do vacuum.



Re: Do you vacuum every time?

December 18 2010, 5:04 PM 

Imagine the time you would loose if you'd return to redo due to the yet unpaid account, inferior result, unhappy client, or heaven forbid, a brush, pad, bonnet, or machine of choice full of tiny staples, grit and alike. An hour well spent and wise decision to vacuum as this is your pre-extraction.


Revolutionary Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Re: Do you vacuum every time?

December 19 2010, 7:26 AM 

I've always tried to get the commercial accounts to get outboard with the vacuuming. After all, MOST commercial buildings have a program of vacuuming in place already. So we let them know that the carpet should be vacuumed well - before we arrive. In some cases we have even arranged for them to do the vacuuming when we wrote up the proposal for the work. We always get a YES when we let them know that good vacuuming beforehand will help the carpet to clean up better. And they never seem to feel that it is our job.

That being said, we also carry an X-Vac pile lifter on the truck. We will often run over the traffic areas prior to cleaning to pull up the matted carpet and try to recover some additional dry soil. But we don't generally vacuum every square inch of the carpet. As mentioned above, by educating the customer beforehand, we generally find that they do a reasonable job of vacuuming before we arrive. And if by chance there's still a paperclip in a corner after we're finished cleaning the carpet - that's their baby, not ours, since the pre-vac was their responsibility.

Educating the customer about the value of doing a good pre and post vacuuming has worked well for us. In most cases, it seems to address the bulk of the vacuuming, only leaving the higher soil level sections of the carpet for our crew to take care of prior to the cleaning.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Do you vacuum every time?
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