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Wool carpet shedding

December 28 2010 at 1:58 PM

I received a call from a customer, 3,500 sq ft of new wool carpet installed in government facility. The customer complains it sheds too much. Installer told them to keep vacuuming. Any suggestions? Other then vacuuming the thing with a really good vac?



December 28 2010, 4:20 PM 

Many carpets including rugs, have extra "fillers" added to bulk up the carpet or rug.

This makes the product appear plusher, (and more sellable) wink.gif

Wool carpet typically has loose fibres.

This will shed out over time, it may take years depending on the wear use, amount of vacuuming and also the type of vacuum can have an effect.

As time goes on, the shedding will get less.

Have a great New Year,

Shorty down under.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Staple Fibers

December 28 2010, 6:39 PM 

In addition to what Shorty said about "filler fibers" (the man certainly knows wool - he's in Australia)... wool carpet/rugs are made from "staple fiber" i.e. SHORT STRANDS of fiber. Synthetic carpets/rugs are made from long strands of continuous synthetic fiber (the fibers are extruded). By comparison, sheep can't grow continuous long strands of hair - they can only grow hair that are a couple of inches long. And therein lies the issue. Short wool fibers will naturally work themselves loose from the carpet/rug (especially when it's new). It sounds like this is what your customer is seeing. Loose staple fibers shedding from the carpet/rug is a natural condition - it's simply the "nature of the beast" (literally). And this condition of staple fibers shedding from the carpet/rug will be even more pronounced when it comes to cheaper wool products. With wool carpets/rugs the condition of shedding is always going to present itself to some degree (and it will especially be apparent with new wool carpets/rugs). So it really sounds like what your customer is experiencing is normal. Shedding is what wool does naturally - since it comes from an animal.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 28, 2010 8:43 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 28, 2010 6:41 PM


Re: Staple Fibers

December 28 2010, 11:55 PM 

Well I used my back pack vacuum tonight on the area. I collected 7 six quart bags stuffed full of fiber. They are using an upright, it clogs in about ten feet and done. So I talked him into buying a vacuum like mine. And as usual expressed the importance of Maintenance. Also picked up 8,000 sq ft of carpet cleaning. Very up scale hotel in a famous military Base.
Thanks for the replies so quickly. Happy New Year gentleman.

This message has been edited by Misteryez on Dec 29, 2010 11:29 AM

Don Eldred

Re: Staple Fibers

December 29 2010, 8:32 AM 

That seems like a lot of loose fibre to me. I would suggest they watch this and if the trend goes on too long they may have a manufacturing problem


Re: Staple Fibers

December 29 2010, 11:23 AM 

That was my suggestion, keep vacuuming if problem persists contact a carpet inspector.

This message has been edited by Misteryez on Dec 29, 2010 11:38 AM

Current Topic - Wool carpet shedding
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