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Hey Shorty (and other Aussies)

December 31 2010 at 2:22 PM

Rick Gelinas  

How are you guys doing with the flooding? Looks terrible!

Rick Gelinas




I'm up top, down under

December 31 2010, 3:21 PM 

Thanks for your concern Rick.

As you know Cairns is up near the top of Oz, so all the water runs downhill from us. ;-(

The cyclone, only a cat; 1 crossed the coast early on Christmas Day just south of Cairns by about 18 miles.

It was very mild as cyclones go, little wind, only about 60-80mph, but a fair amount of rain.

As it moved west it turned into a rain depression dumping heaps, that's when the stuff hit the fan.

Many towns have been completely evacuated by the army down south and to the west of Rockhampton, about 600 miles south of Cairns, and about 600 miles north of Brisbane.

Many parts of Rocky; (pop; about 75,000) are inundated with water and many people also evacuated from there.

(Last Friday), the Nogoa River at Emerald peaked at 16.05 metres at about 6am this morning and record major flood levels are now starting to fall slowly.

One metre is 39 inches, which equals a tad over 52 feet of river water.

Here's another link from yesterday...

Babinda, just down the road from Cairns by about thirty miles, has had about 103 feet of rain for December.

The locals now agree that they're wet behind the ears.. happy.gif

Because the roads are cut in many places from south of Rocky; anything north is running out of supplies in the stores.

Apparently trucks are on the move again..........

Whatever, we still have another predicted five cyclones for this wet season.

We feel sorry for those poor buggers stuck in all that freezing snow, Florida would be the place for me over there. wink.gif

Take care,

Delia & Shorty.

PS ::: As an afterthought, Queensland has copped more than 6 times it's annual rainfall all in the month of December.

The areas covered by water in Queensland would totally cover the state of New South Wales.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Dec 31, 2010 4:28 PM

Current Topic - Hey Shorty (and other Aussies)
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