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coffee stains

January 3 2011 at 3:57 PM

A cup of coffee spilled on white carpet. I have tried Hydrox, the stain is still very very noticable. Suggestions please!!


Re: coffee stains

January 3 2011, 4:12 PM 


Coffee stains can be difficult! Have you tried boosting the oxidizing action of Encap HydrOx with Encap Spot? Encap Spot has ammonia in it and that will amplify the peroxide in Encap HydrOx giving you a similar action to many 2 part spotters!


Rick Gelinas

Re: coffee stains

January 3 2011, 4:54 PM 

Drew is right. You can get some even more powerful results by using undiluted Encap-HydrOx on a tough stain along with Encap-Spot. The combined action does a really good job on tough organic based spots. Encap-HydrOx on its own is pretty impressive for most coffee stains, but if it needs a kick, encap-Spot can give it an added boost.

One thing to keep in mind is that HOT coffee can dye the carpet. When a nylon carpet is dyed, hot dye is introduced to the fiber. The hot dye opens the microscopic dye sites in the fiber and the colored dye enters the clear strands of "greige good" fiber.

Note: Greige goods (pronounced "gray goods") is a term designating carpet fiber in an undyed or unfinished state.)

So if very HOT coffee is dumped onto the carpet, it's possible for the dye sites to reopen and accept the hot coffee just like carpet dye. If this has occurred you don't have a SPOT, you have a STAIN. Spots can be removed, and stains - well they're stains. It may be helpful to explain this to the customer. As my ol' friend Bob Wittkamp used to say: "You own the spot, but the customer owns the stain".

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 3, 2011 4:54 PM

Joe Gilstrap

Re: coffee stains

January 3 2011, 5:35 PM 

Apply and gently work in a general spotter and then completely extract stained area with spotting machine. Get area as dry as possible and apply Stain Magic.


Rick Gelinas

Re: coffee stains

January 3 2011, 5:48 PM 

That's a good approach too.
Similar results with the Encap-HydrOx and Encap-Spot.

Rick Gelinas




Re: coffee stains

January 3 2011, 10:33 PM 

I tried undiluted hydrox then undiluted ammonia. Better but not Best


Rick Gelinas

Re: coffee stains

January 4 2011, 12:54 AM 

Hi Bruce,

If you used undiluted HydrOx along with ammonia and it didn't work, then it's a permanent stain. That combination should have knocked the daylights out of a coffee spot. As I mentioned above, hot coffee can become a permanent stain. I use the word "stain" - in that it has likely changed the color of the fiber.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 4, 2011 12:56 AM


Dye or Die ????

January 4 2011, 11:20 PM 

Re: coffee stains
January 4 2011, 12:54 AM

Hi Bruce,

If you used undiluted HydrOx along with ammonia and it didn't work, then it's a permanent stain. That combination should have knocked the daylights out of a coffee spot. As I mentioned above, hot coffee can become a permanent stain. I use the word "stain" - in that it has likely changed the color of the fiber.

Rick Gelinas

When the above happens, you wish you HAD of done that crayon course for poly's with Tony Wheelwright. wink.gif

THEN you can be a true hero, (and make more money) happy.gif

Shorty Down Under

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Ades Gros

coffee stains

January 6 2011, 5:05 PM 

Like Rick said it could be a stain. was it decaff? what was in the coffee? Try some OSR and then some stain magic

Ades Gros
Carpet Magic clean carpet

Current Topic - coffee stains
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