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Big Wheel conversion

January 15 2011 at 2:39 PM

Hello all,

Got the caps off, wheel off, Swivel clamp rod pin pulled,

Unlocked nut from "T",............

I'm looking at the "T" that is on the OLD 1" axle and I

can see a small depression (hole) for what I amagine is a

locking pin to the "1" axle??? How do I get the swivel

clamp rod off the "T"?? I also need to get the "T" to

slide off "1" axle???

H E L P Please !


Re: Big Wheel conversion

January 15 2011, 11:40 PM 


The tee piece can be very difficult to get off the old Zink axle. If you soak it in wd40 or oil it can help. The swivel clamp rod should unscrew out of the tee piece. It seams like you already have the axle removed from the arms, that is the hardest part! If you are still having problems feel free to call on Monday or email me at I receive email on my phone and can respond immediately!

This message has been edited by EncapDrew on Jan 15, 2011 11:41 PM

Ades Gros

Big Wheel Conv

January 16 2011, 3:55 PM 

When i installed mine i took a piece of emory cloth and went around the old axle to help remove build up. Then i cut a 2x4 that would wedge in between the T and the frame, if you have a piece of brass use that to hit the old axle. use wd 40 too. Hope this helps

Ades Gros
Carpet Magic clean carpet


Rick Gelinas

Re: Big Wheel Conv

January 16 2011, 4:26 PM 

And be careful that you don't directly smack the end of the axle with a hammer. Even a couple of taps will mushroom the axle and then you'll really have a struggle getting it out.

Rick Gelinas



Don Eldred

Re: Big Wheel Conv

January 17 2011, 8:13 AM 

It would be nice if they included a new one with the kit, save a ton of problems.

Current Topic - Big Wheel conversion
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