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Social Networking

January 20 2011 at 11:45 AM

Kevin Pearson  

I am wondering how many of you have social network sites for your business? Do you put a follow me button on your website so that people can join your social network when they go to your website?

I think we all need to join each others social network, so if you have some set up like facebook, four square, twitter, etc. put it on here and let's all be friends on each others social network.

You can join my facebook or four square on my website


Social is social, biz is biz

January 22 2011, 3:57 PM 

Hi Kev,
first up, thanks for the invite, however I regret that I shall not be taking it up.

I have had a Facebook account for a couple of years but could never really get the time to get to it as often as needed.

In December, (when Del was away), I came to the realisation that I was spending too much time at the pc reading forums and social network sites instead of being more productive.

Hence I have discontinued using Facebook.

I also had a glitch with my pc where I lost all my favourite book marks, (yipee happy.gif), I now have only three forums that I have in my favourites that I look at daily, (as of now, only two).

I do regret that one forum that I spent too much time on, I haven't been able to rejoin with my old password, C'est la vie.

Now, I'm sure I'll be privately chastised for what I'm about to say, but hey, I'm an old codger with broad shoulders, so in the words of the immortal one, IDGAS. wink.gif

To me, social networking is to be social, BNI is for business.

This is the main reason I never pushed my work agenda into my friends faces on Facebook.

When we go to a party, bbq, to dinner, etc; it's to be social and not talk work, unless someone asks.

All our friends know what we do for a living and we have done work for many of them.

I'm probably an old stick in the mud and set in my ways type of person, but I'm always upfront and people know where they, and I, stand with each other.

Another main reason is the fact that my focus is now predominantly on the commercial market, and the people that I would be reaching for, I doubt would be reading my Facebook page.

That's it, to each their own, I may be wrong in the eyes of many for what I have just stated but that's not to say that others have to do what I have done, nor that what I do is right or wrong, just what I have done.

Kev; and all those that go down the path of social networking, I wish each and every one of you all the best in your social networking forays.


This is only my opinion and is not to be miscontrued with the ramblings of an senile old man, also no flora, fauna, or children were harmed during it's production.

Use of CC, (Caffeine & Cussin'), has been kept to a minimum.

Wiki leaks has not as yet disputed it's authenticity, nor collaborated in this work.

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Jan 23, 2011 2:06 AM

Current Topic - Social Networking
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