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Facebook & computer savvy

January 25 2011 at 3:05 PM

I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably a sandwich short of a picnic when it comes to being smart with computers.

I, after all these flamin' years, still can't get my mouth around a lot of this computer stuff.

Point in case is Facebook.

In another recent post, I stated that I had removed Facebook from my pc, (which I thought/think I had/have).

However, I still keep getting emails from people wanting me to be on their list, or they think I should join so & so on their Facebook site.

Anyone sending these requests, please remove my name from your Facebook listing.


Not that I don't like you, just don't have the time anymore to play games.

However, SKYPE is another matter, one can talk face to face over the VOIP for free and not plant a garden or fight a ninja or other such stuff.

( I'm not a gardener, & I'm a luvva not a fighta wink.gif ) (In my dreams0 happy.gif )

Thank you, now back to your normal routine.


Shorty Down Under

Don Eldred

Re: Facebook & computer savvy

January 26 2011, 4:48 PM 

I'm with you Shorty. And Happy Birthday Australia


Rick Gelinas

Re: Facebook & computer savvy

January 26 2011, 5:28 PM 

Great. Put me in the old man club too.

I find social media a big time waster too. The idea of chronicling my life for the world to read in 140 characters or less is mind numbing to me.

"Nancy cooked a new recipe for dinner, it was great"...
"We went out for a bicycle ride after dinner"...
"I need to go take out the garbage"...

Guess I'm getting old - but I don't get it. The social media playground doesn't intertest me much.

Am I missing something here?

Rick Gelinas




Kevin Pearson

on the other side

January 27 2011, 4:20 PM 

Well guys I have to respectfully disagree with some of what you said. I do find it frustrating and a bit of a time waster. However, I also have plenty of customers who love it. So, I use facebook mainly so I can promote my business to my existing customers. I have a business facebook page and find that it is a great way to keep my name in front of my customers. I try to post only once a week on it, frankly because my life is not that interesting to post more often.

So while I understand and appreciate your points of view I just know how many of my customers keep up with my post, which I usually keep business related. I view it as a marketing tool and I think if I did not view it like that I would not be on facebook at all.


Rick Gelinas

Re: on the other side

January 28 2011, 2:56 AM 

That's why I included that last line... "Am I missing something here?" ... I honestly wonder if i SHOULD be more attuned to these mediums.

I'm feeling OLD. I've got a blog and a message board. What more do they want from me wink.gif

By the way, we've had a Releasit facebook page for a long time now. Drew at our office set it up for us. But I've gotta confess, I haven't done much with it. So again I ponder the question ... "Am I missing something here?" Oh and one more thing, I meant no disrespect toward anyone using facebook, twitter, myspace, linkedin, etc. Maybe I'll need to get the ball rolling more in the social media direction at some point. Like Bob Dylan sang "Oh the times they are a changing" happy.gif

Rick Gelinas




Kevin Pearson

Re: on the other side

January 31 2011, 8:10 AM 


I know you didn't mean any disrepect. I didn't take it that way. I was just simply explaining why I use the social networking sites. I do know that it takes up a lot of time though but it is another way to keep in contact with my customers.

Current Topic - Facebook & computer savvy
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