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Need your advice: Church cleaning

January 26 2011 at 8:33 AM

Joe DeSouza 

I'm quoting a carpet cleaning job for a large church, and had a couple of questions:

1) Do you measure wall to wall in the sanctuary and base your measurements on that, or do you deduct the footprint of the pews from the total sqfootage?

2) How do you clean BETWEEN the pews? I doubt my cimex or my GLS will fit in there!! One time I did a church and used my oreck baby OP with a pad, but I dont think they liked that too much (I think they thought I would use HWE) I want to do it all low moisture if I can...

3) Pricing - Im thinking around 10cents / ft to start, but with going around all the pews, should I charge more? (im guessing its around 8-10k of carpet; im measuring it tomorrow)




Rick Gelinas

Re: Need your advice: Church cleaning

January 26 2011, 2:50 PM 

On buildings where it's an open room with furnishings that you have to work around means charge the full wall to wall price. It takes MORE time to work around these objects than it would take to clean if the room was empty. The Cimex can wiggle in and under some pretty cramped places so I think you should be OK there - but there's another reason why you need to charge the full footprint price. And 10 cents per sq ft sounds about right to me. Hope that helps you.

Rick Gelinas



Don Eldred

Re: Need your advice: Church cleaning

January 26 2011, 4:46 PM 

I would measure from wall to wall. Only way to clean between the pews is with HWE and a wand


Kevin Pearson

Re: Need your advice: Church cleaning

January 31 2011, 5:19 PM 

You should charge wall to wall. I can also tell you that in my experience in churches the Cimex almost never goes in between the pews. You will have to break out the wand and HWE in between the pews. I wish there was a mini Cimex because we clean a lot of churches and always have to break out the HWE for this scenario.

One church we do has pews that aren't bolted down and so they move around but they are extremely heavy. We actually charge more for this, because nobody likes moving them.

Current Topic - Need your advice: Church cleaning
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