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A new lease of life with the G.O.Y.A. principle

January 30 2011 at 5:44 AM

I had a really tough Saturday.

On site at 06:00, had to leave for an hour to do a good quote on upholstery.

Back to the job and finished at 15:00

Watched my young bloke play footy from 16:00 to 18:00

Then started my next job at 19:00 'til midnight.

Finally crawled into the cot at about 01:30 but was awake again at 05:45

I slept a good part of today away (Sunday), from 11:00 'til 17:00.

But while I was working on Saturday, I got to thinking (again), about how much time I was wasting at home when I should be out making more dollars.

So I came up with the G.O.Y.A. principle.

This is going to motivate me to get out there and get more, better paying, commercial work.

So from today, I intend only be on here once a week.

Oh yeah, better paying work ???

Those two jobs grossed me better than $2,500.00 for the day.

Not to shabby for a young fella eh.?? wink.gif

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Jan 30, 2011 5:45 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: A new lease of life with the G.O.Y.A. principle

January 31 2011, 2:24 AM 

What is GOYA?

And if you only come once a week - we're gonna miss you Shorty. So make sure you bring all the personality you can muster when you make your visit. We'll be overdue for a dose of your witticism and wisdom.

$2500 for the day - not too shabby at all Shorty. Keep up the good work!

Rick Gelinas





February 17 2011, 5:14 PM 

Get Off Your A.

Current Topic - A new lease of life with the G.O.Y.A. principle
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