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Severe winter storms may at times affect our shipments to you

February 3 2011 at 6:42 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Just to let you guys know... The extreme winter snow storms can affect our shipments as they criss-cross across America. UPS transfers the packages through various hubs throughout the country. And many of the highways and northern cities have been stalled. So there could be some delays.

Please bear this in mind when you're ordering. The good news is that Releasit products are freeze/thaw stable so you won't have a problem if you receive an encap popsicle. But please plan to add a little extra time for your order to get there, since there could be some delays in transit. We don't want you to get stuck without your Releasit or FiberPlus pads! Thanks and try to stay warm happy.gif

To read about the conditions facing northern cities click this news link...

Rick Gelinas




Re: Severe winter storms may at times affect our shipments to you

February 4 2011, 4:30 PM 

A few snow banks out side my home.
love New England in the winter, thank you four wheel drive



This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Feb 4, 2011 4:31 PM


Re: Severe winter storms may at times affect our shipments to you

February 11 2011, 5:22 PM 

piles of global warming looks so nice in the morning.. wonder what al gore thinks about this.. OPP'S missed anther one.. first ethanol now GW..

Current Topic - Severe winter storms may at times affect our shipments to you
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS