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February 4 2011 at 1:38 AM

Hi guys 'n gals, Delia and I would like to thank you all for all your prayers, thoughts and concerns.

We only got power back on last night about 21:00.

To the basics, on the day of the night in question, we set up our downstairs section with all we would need for a three day stay, clothes, wet weather gear, food, bbq, lp gas, first aid kit, 60 litres of water, spare batteries for the radio, tooth brushes, etc; plus other essentials.

Mid afternoon on this day, my flamin modem packed it in, so my internet was off-line until today. I've just installed this new beaut wireless modem and this forum is my first port of call.

Downstairs is solid cinder block construction with few windows which were all taped, and large tables put against the glass sliding doors, roped and barricaded.

We also have toilet (lavatory) and laundry downstairs.

We also had acces to small windows to open opposite the wind & rain.

Both cars were fuelled and ready to roll if needed, however, we would be very dubious above going outside during any cyclone.

Safety is staying indoors where you can limit the intrusion of flying objects.

All power and water upstairs was turned of.

Until the power went off, we still had our tv, fridge, lights, etc; working downstairs.

This has been the strangest cyclone we have sat through, many gusts of wind of varying strengths which uprooted trees, but little structural damage that we know of.

What was weird was the rain, or should I say the lack of rain.

I had my 10' x 8' soak tank in the yard with some heavy lengths of steel pipe in it, we didn't have time to fill it with water.

Next morning, after Yasi blew through, there was maybe 1&1/2" of water in the tank.

Later that day, we had a terrific downpour which added another 5" into it.

Last night we went out to dinner, while we were out, another heavy downpour which put another 4" into the tank.

We also had an electrical thunderstorn with lightening from 14:00 through to about 23:00 - never ever seen an electrical storm last anywhere near that long.

Yesterday was clean-up day to remove the debris in our yards out onto the verge, (the grass piece between our non existant fence and the road that the council owns but we maintain) wink.gif

Today I'm back to as normal as I could ever be, she's okay too happy.gif

The beer is colder than a mother in laws heart, the oysters are nicely chilled and the steak is hot. Life is good.

Once again, thanks for all your support, our carpet cleaning family made us feel special.

Ooroo from 'er 'n me.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeee

February 4 2011, 2:37 AM 


So happy to hear you made it so through well. But I'm not surprised. I mean what kind of a foolish storm would want to tangle with the likes of you? LOL I'm relieved to hear you're no worse for wear Shorty. happy.gif

Rick Gelinas




Kevin Pearson

Re: Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeee

February 4 2011, 10:04 AM 

Shorty, glad to know you came through that storm so well. Good to have you back on the boards.

Current Topic - Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeee
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