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February 5 2011 at 11:50 PM

Has anyone ever use the Cimex and releasit combo on a Dennys, Chinese, etc?
How did it work, what did you do?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Restuarant?

February 6 2011, 4:20 AM 

If the restaurant is well maintained with a regular monthly schedule you should be able to service it with Releasit Encap-Clean DS and a Cimex, with just an occasional HWE - and get very good results. If the restaurant is serviced less frequently or if it's an absolute grease pit, I would recommend HWE.

Rick Gelinas




DS in Resturant

February 11 2011, 5:19 PM 

We have been using Punch and DS in Resturant for the past couple years with great results. The carpet was recently replaced and we are now doing them every 5 weeks.

Before the place was a grease pit or should I say a BBQ pit.. The carpet was old, and impacted with grease.. When we cleaned the first time the place was in kinda bad shape.. We always use double the strength of both punch and DS. When we were about half way through the manager told me it looked better in one time than this other company that used a powder method could do in 2 ties..

We had to HWE some areas on a constisant bases due to buildup in carpet. But with the new carpet and doing more often it cleans up nice indeed. We will have to HWE it sometime in teh future but for now it DS all the way.

Current Topic - Restuarant?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS