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Before and After Upholstery

February 16 2011 at 4:04 PM
George Barnett  

More like saved and unsaved. I spent a couple of days in church on my knees. Cleaning the pews. Musty odor was present.

It's pretty easy to see how much dust was embedded in the pews by the color difference. The left shows cleaned pews and the right have a gray tint from the dust. Vacuuming removed about 1 1/2 cups of dust before cleaning. They requested HWE and I used Releasit® Encap-Clean as the primary cleaner and added a small amount of Releasit® Encap-Hydrox to my rinse solution. I also cleaned the carpet with Releasit® Encap-Clean DS. Odors disappeared.

They're prayers were answered and the sanctuary was ready for a week long gospel event.

alter ego: George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services,LLC

Aaron Baum

Great Job!

February 16 2011, 9:50 PM 

That is a GREAT looking before and after appearance George! I like the idea of showing the extracted soils from vacuuming and the bottle of water. Thank you for the ideas!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Great Job!

February 17 2011, 4:50 AM 

Hi George,

Impressive results.

By the way, your link was only linking to 1 photo, but I found the group of 3 pics in your Picasa photo library. So here's a link with all 3 pics...

I agree with Aaron. Leaving a sample of the dirty water was a good idea. I always liked to show the dirty water to customers whenever I performed extraction. But the really impressive things was the photo showing how much dry soil you recovered. That's pretty incredible for upholstery!

Rick Gelinas



George Barnett

My Hero

February 17 2011, 11:30 AM 

Thanks for the compliments.

My Hero is Bill Yeadon. I attended his upholstery class and learned the proper steps in the process but most of all, Bill spreads marketing tips throughout the class.

Bill will tell you, the best picture would have been the client with a smile presenting payment. Tough to get when they pay electronically.

alter ego: George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services,LLC


Rick Gelinas

Re: My Hero

February 17 2011, 2:24 PM 

I agree with you George. Bil'is an awesome guy! One of the industries best.

Rick Gelinas





February 17 2011, 3:37 PM 

Gee, I feel embarrassed when I have to agree with men in regard to another man.

But, Big Bill is a giant amongst men, he is a gentleman of the highest order and as knowledeable as his cohort in marketing, Steve Toburen, whom I also have the utmost respect for.

Must be this early morning air.


PS :: In true S.T. fashion, our Rick is also on that same pedestal. wink.gif

Current Topic - Before and After Upholstery
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