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February Photo Contest Winner

March 3 2011 at 4:52 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Alex Taylor is our winner for February. His Before & After pics were impressive!

Alex wins a $100 credit toward his next purchase at Excellent Supply.

Keep up the good work Alex. happy.gif

And keep the submissions coming guys.
Each month's winner receives a $100 credit!

Rick Gelinas



Aaron Baum

Congratulations, Alex!

March 4 2011, 7:35 AM 

Congrats to you Alex!! happy.gif Job well done!

Rick Lord

February Winner

March 4 2011, 9:41 PM 

Congrats great job! Can't believe I made a bunch of money on my last months pic and then won the contest! It don't get any better than that!

Al Taylor

Thanks Excellent Supply!

March 7 2011, 1:42 AM 

Thanks Rick, Aaron!

I really enjoy using the Release-it line. I only want the best and better. I must admit Release-it is better!

I did a side by side cleaning with Release-it and another brand who gave away free bottle (won't use the name)and guarantees it will out clean any other product. Honestly, ENCAP CLEAN DS blew it CLEAN out of the water.
Thanks again Excellent Supply Team!

Al Taylor

One who is willing to be taught only by himself, has a fool for a master.

Current Topic - February Photo Contest Winner
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS