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March 7 2011 at 5:40 PM
Steve Borcherdt 

I just ordered the CMS package on Friday. I would like to hear from those who have it and use it and have had success with it. I would like to hear best practices. Have you tried direct mail with flyers, door to door direct selling, the sales letter or any combination of these strategies? For those that don't use the CMS package what has been your best prospecting tool, if it is the demo, how did you set up the demo?

Thanks in advance.


Rick Gelinas


March 8 2011, 2:57 AM 

Hi Steve,

The CMS program is a very useful tool for going after commercial carpet cleaning accounts. It contains a combination of Microsoft Office documents. All you need to do is drop in your company info and then print the documents and go. The items in the collection are proven to work.

Normally you will send a sales letter to the prospect along with a flyer. Then a few days later call on the phone. Set up a time to stop by, or just stop in. Use the information that was mailed as your stepping stone "I'm just following up on the information we sent you". Push to set up a time for a BRIEF meeting. Offer to provide three things (1) a free carpet inspection, using the Carpet Inspection form, (2) run through a brief Powerpoint presentation, in printed form, and (3) provide a free demo in their worst area so they can see how good your service really is. This simple formula works as it sets you apart from the competition. Then send them a proposal or contract via email or fax.

There's more to it than that, but that gives you an overview of what the program contains. One final thought - remain positive - what you project has a big influence on the outcome. Wishing you success as you go out and land some nice accounts.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - CMS
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