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To Rick - Why I iPad

March 14 2011 at 3:59 AM
Bill m 


My iPad is not a macbook or a macair, nor did I ever want it to be. I do not own a macbook or macair, but many of my clients and friends do. Would I buy a macbook or air over to replace my iPad, deff NOT. Why? It's simple, my iPad is in it's own category, meaning, it's not an iPod or an iPod iTouch (which I own 3), nor would I use it to replace my other computers.

You see, what I and some others use our iPads is for a matter of convenience than you cannot get from a laptop pc or mac. Carrying around a laptop is not convenient nor practical no matter how heavy or weightless it might be. Sure you can do many more things with a laptop than you can with an iPad (everyone knows that by now), however that is not why people purchase the iPad (my local Apple store had over a thousand people waiting outside on Thursday to get the new iPad 2 as I drove by).

To be honest, I only bought the iPad for business use, it's a great "tool" in my business, for presentations, demos, pics/videos, and perception. There is NO WOW factor when you show up with a laptop vs the iPad period (I know this because 90% of my clients own macs), yet they all "want" or have an iPad.

So in conclusion there you have it, the reason why "some" choose to buy the iPad over a laptop, they knew from the getgo it was not a "real" laptop, but a gadget like "no other of it's kind".

I'll be getting a new 27 inch iMac soon, wouldn't need a macbook or air, since I already have the (you guessed it).

That is Why I iPAd.

Have a good one.



Rick Gelinas

Re: To Rick - Why I iPad

March 14 2011, 12:51 PM 

Bill's comments above are in response to a discussion going on over on the ICS board where I chimed in about the iPad. Here are my comments below...

"What's like an iPad, but isn't an iPad? What has snappy "instant-on" flash memory just like the iPad, but also runs a full OSX operating system and has a full sized keyboard. What does all this and weighs only about a pound more than an iPad? It's the 11" MacBook Air.

I just bought an 11" MacBook Air. Seems like the perfect small machine to me. I personally haven't been able to fall in love with some of the limitations of the IOS operating system on the iPad. IOS is fine on my iPhone or iPod Touch, but I couldn't really imagine trying to do serious work on one of these devices.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an Apple fan (owning 13 Macs between my home and business), plus a couple of iPhones for my wife and I. So you can say I really like Apple's stuff. But to me an iPad just seems like a larger iPod Touch. On the other hand, a MacBook Air that's practically as small and light as an iPad - yet still runs OSX is downright usable IMHO. The iPad 2 has some nice enhancements, but for my money the MacBook Air is the machine to beat in the ultra portable market."

Bill you've added some EXCELLENT arguments in favor of using the iPad for certain business purposes. And I have to agree completely with everything you said! Nice points! Let me add one additional point to your list. You can walk around with an iPad in hand while entering data. Whereas you can't walk around typing on any laptop - not even a tiny Macbook Air or a netbook. Just goes to show there are different tools for different applications. Kind of like how encap cleaning fits well in certain applications where HWE would be a challenge (and vice versa). happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - To Rick - Why I iPad
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