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Should I, or shouldn't I......... ?

April 16 2011 at 5:04 AM

I'm feeling game enough to post these pics of the new plate I just got this afternoon, Saturday.

I still have to get it sign written with my business website in company colours.

That'll be next week sometime, living in paradise, you can't rush these things. happy.gif

Unfortunately, the guy did make it a little bit wide with one of the spotting bottle holders, but I'm not complaining.

Tell me what you think, bouquets or brick bats, I can handle them all. wink.gif

Front view with my tie down strap that keeps the base plate vertical when moving between jobs.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Looking at the rear where the two holders are for my spotting bottles.
These will hold our larger bottles.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Side view for comparison.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

I also have an ulterior motive for this plate, it hides the Cimex name from my opposition. happy.gif

I just tell them it's a Cyclone named after our cyclonic conditions. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Should I, or shouldn't I......... ?

April 16 2011, 1:34 PM 

Another COOL idea from Shorty Down Under!!!

I love it Shorty. Truly a slick looking add-on for the Cimex.

You are a very clever guy happy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gif

Rick Gelinas



George Mavridis

Re: Should I, or shouldn't I......... ?

April 16 2011, 6:53 PM 

You should have had a cover made for the water inlet while you were at it, that way it would keep all the grit dust etc out of the tank.

Not a bad idea what you have done there!



True Grit

April 16 2011, 9:06 PM 

True George.

I had thought about it over the years, also to stop any splashing out of solution when coming down stairs or rolling the 'Mex; into my van.

But I have found that just by dropping a small towel over the opening, (which I always have when I do a job), this also stops the above problems.

As for the dust and grit, I live in the wet tropics where we rarely see that. happy.gif

Last time I saw grit, it was True Grit with The Duke himself, John Wayne. happy.gif

Have a great weeek-end my friend.

My two spotter bottle receptacles??

One holds Encap Punch, whilst the other holds Spot n Boost.

I hope this also helps some others out.

One last thing, this plate is made out of Aluminium, (aluminum for you blokes over there happy.gif ), this way it won't rust out and look unsightly, unlike the rotund operator. wink.gif

Shorty down under

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Apr 16, 2011 9:09 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: True Grit

April 17 2011, 7:23 AM 

Very cool shorty. Thanks for showing the pics. Too bad you couldn't have put the Cimex on the edge of a cliff and then taken the picture with a great view in the background though. I would have much rather seen the view than a piece of bent aluminum, but I'll give you a pass this time.


Re: True Grit

April 17 2011, 9:39 PM 

that looks cool and all but don't you think the decal on the motor gives it away as to the name.?? justsaying

Joe Gilstrap

Re: True Grit

April 17 2011, 10:48 PM 

Shorty, why do you have a spray bottle with MUD in it?


So many questions .....................

April 19 2011, 4:02 AM 

& so little space........

Very cool shorty. Thanks for showing the pics. Too bad you couldn't have put the Cimex on the edge of a cliff and then taken the picture with a great view in the background though. I would have much rather seen the view than a piece of bent aluminum, but I'll give you a pass this time.

ta mate, we don't have no cliffs around Cairns mate. wink.gif Maybe I can take a photo down on the Esplanade with a couple of good lookin' sheilas when I get the name plate on. happy.gif

that looks cool and all but don't you think the decal on the motor gives it away as to the name.?? justsaying

Nah mate, that's why I refer to it as the Cyclone.wink.gif
Most of the cc'ers around here are thicker than two bricks, (so I've been told).happy.gif

Joe Gilstrap

Shorty, why do you have a spray bottle with MUD in it?

Ahh, man with evil eye spot special mudgical insignificant potion. wink.gif

I use a nice smelly thing that has a name based on a river and a flower, which Delia sprays onto upholstery after cleaning.

We simply refer to it as "MUD" to confuse the opposition and place it in any photos to raise interest in same.

Our local EPA guy (Kemical Kops), stopped us, went through the van and asked us what it was and where was the MSDS for it.

It was the only thing we didn't have an MSDS for, although we do have one for the proper product which was also in a larger bottle. happy.gif

I told him it was scented water to which we add dirt, shake up, and turn into mud to do a demo.

I don't know if he was confused, a disbeliever or just plain "as thick as two bricks".

He just shook his head and walked away. happy.gif

Shorty down under

Current Topic - Should I, or shouldn't I......... ?
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