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Shoe Store Chain

April 25 2011 at 3:31 PM

Local shoe chain wants to know more about LM cleaning. They are big on
Green cleaning techniques. The one store I ma gettin a trial with is. App 2500k sq. I have a Challenger and a new 20" dual speed.So my question is. What is the deal maker as far as LM cleaning. If all goes well at this locale I will have the opportunity to snag Corporate and 6 other stores of about the same sizes Where should I begin with pricing ? thanks in advance


Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 25 2011, 6:04 PM 

you mean 2500 sq ft ? or (2500,000 = 2500K )

my preference would be the 20 inch two speed in high gear with a pad, for speeds sake.

pricing would depend on frequency of cleaning and soiling conditions, I might charge a higher price for the first cleaning then lower the price after that if they stick to a schedule.


Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 25 2011, 8:19 PM 

Oops yes 2500 sq what type of pad i have a bunch of tuways and FP's

This message has been edited by bigchuckie on Apr 25, 2011 8:26 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 26 2011, 2:07 AM 

Hi Steve,

You could use your dual speed rotary with FiberPlus pads, providing that it has a shampoo tank on it.

Aside from that you can use the Challenger with Tuway bonnets.

Either option is good. The rotary option would be providing straight encap cleaning. The Challenger option (although slower) will be providing absorption cleaning through the bonnet, and if you're using an encap detergent like Encap-Punch, you'll also be introducing a secondary cleaning method - encapsulation (two methods for the price of one).

Pricing for 2500 sq ft should be around .12 - .15 per sq ft. depending upon soil loads, etc. You may be able to discount down to .09 - .12 per sq ft if the carpets will be easily manageable and also since this account has the potential to offer you multiple locations and frequent servicing.

Hope that gives you some ideas that'll help you.

Rick Gelinas



Don Eldred

Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 26 2011, 8:40 AM 

Other things to remember in your pricing.
What time of day can you clean and what day do they want you to clean
Most of these stores are open 7 days a week and until 9.00pm, the one day they close early is Sunday and I am sure you don't want to work Sunday night, or if they want you make sure you charge accordingly.

Fred Gruber

Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 26 2011, 3:38 PM 

Be sure to get a contract for the pricing, before you begin cleaning. We gave a proposal to clean 6 sneaker stores and was given the green light. These places were never cleaned in 5+ years and had tons of gum. We charged a little more for the first cleaning and then gave them different pricing options for follow up cleaning, based on frequency. We cleaned the first location and the manager was very pleased with the results. It had taken a little longer but was still good money. We were supposed to clean the next location, a few nights later and they store manager called to cancel that day to cancel. I called to reschedule the appointment and the manager said the owner wanted to know if we would lower the price. I told him that we were working fairly low and wouldn't go any lower unless they would sign a contract to clean all the locations every 3-4 months.

We lost the account. We should have had them sign a contract before we cleaned the first location.

Fred Gruber

Re: Shoe Store Chain

April 26 2011, 3:39 PM 

Be sure to get a contract for the pricing, before you begin cleaning. We gave a proposal to clean 6 sneaker stores and was given the green light. These places were never cleaned in 5+ years and had tons of gum. We charged a little more for the first cleaning and then gave them different pricing options for follow up cleaning, based on frequency. We cleaned the first location and the manager was very pleased with the results. It had taken a little longer but was still good money. We were supposed to clean the next location, a few nights later and they store manager called to cancel that day to cancel. I called to reschedule the appointment and the manager said the owner wanted to know if we would lower the price. I told him that we were working fairly low and wouldn't go any lower unless they would sign a contract to clean all the locations every 3-4 months.

We lost the account. We should have had them sign a contract before we cleaned the first location.


Re: Shoe Store Chain

May 3 2011, 5:18 PM 

Update I got this account for .15 a sq and they prevac and move their desired furnishings

Current Topic - Shoe Store Chain
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