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having problems

April 26 2011 at 4:21 PM
Richard Hall  

Hello everyone new to the forum today having some problems with encaping so here I go. I recently purchased a gallon of release it ds2, and a case of fiber max pads. I wanted to try out the encap crave for the first time. I was using a 175 with out a solution tank so i sprayed the juice down first then went over it with the 175 with minimal results. Then I increased the concentration and got a little better results. To me it looks like the 175 is not releasing the dirt from the fibers because after it is dry I can take the back of a knife and scrape the carpet and it comes out clean. When I vacuum it cleans up a bit but not to my desired results. Any ideas?


Rick Gelinas

Re: having problems

April 26 2011, 6:20 PM 

Richard you will ALWAYS get better results using a shampoo tank. Spraying the solution down and then following along afterward with a rotary type machine using the FiberPlus pads is not going to provide consistent results (unless you just happen to be very adept at spraying down a very even flow of detergent).

If you must spray the solution down - spray a very even and uniform amount of detergent across a small section of carpet and then scrub it immediately. Allowing the solution to run down the fiber (away from the the top of the fiber where it will generate a light foam) is counterproductive.

To see the best results with encap shampooing - use a shampoo tank like you see here. It will make all the difference in the world...

Wishing you success once you get your encap dance moves down pat! If you need any help let us know.

Rick Gelinas




Re: having problems

April 26 2011, 6:43 PM 

Thank you Rick I appreciate all the help!!!
One more question though if I understand you correctly I should be seeing a small amount of the white foam on top the carpet.



Rick Gelinas

Re: having problems

April 26 2011, 7:10 PM 

Absolutely. A nice light layer of white foam. If you start seeing mounds of foam you're using too much. So look for a light even foam to appear on the carpet's surface.

Rick Gelinas



Geoff Alger

Re: having problems

April 27 2011, 4:03 AM 

Richard, are you using fibre plus pads or fibre max pads? The cream ones or the tougher grey ones? 

I use fibre plus pads daily but have only used the fibre max pads maybe 3 times in 3 years.

I found that the max pads required lots more juice and the results weren't spectacular.

On bad carpet that I am encapping I generally use fibre plus pads, but go slower, or sometimes go back over a bad area to get better results.

Richard Hall

Re: having problems

April 27 2011, 10:29 AM 

So as far as the foam is concerned if I am not seeing any at all what does that mean and how can I fix it. I am using the fiber plus max pads and I will get the fiber plus on the way to see if that has an affect.


Rick Gelinas

Re: having problems

April 27 2011, 12:21 PM 

Richard, do what i posted above if you're not seeing a light whitening of the surface. A nice, even, uniform coverage of solution is needed. Spray down enough to generate foam as you're scrubbing. Spray a small section and scrub it immediately, otherwise the solution will soak down the fiber and it won't work well.

Better yet, use a shampoo tank, as shown above. It can be very hard to get good control over your solution when you're spraying it down first and then going back to scrub it. A shampoo tank would make a huge improvement. You'll have much better control of your solution, you'll be able to fluctuate the quantity of juice applied as you generate a light layer of foam, and the cleaning results will be vastly improved.

Rick Gelinas




listen to Rick

April 28 2011, 5:52 PM 

When I started encap I used Rick's test bottle. Oh, was it screwed up. I sprayed waaaaay to much area at one time. Wasn't close to uniform. Luckily, I'm relatively hard headed. I sprayed it a bit thicker and smaller area. Got waaay too much white foam. The bottle was IIRC supposed to clean 600sq ft. I managed to get like 144 clean, yes, one room.

Get a tank. It makes the job MUCH faster and is MUCH MUCH easier to get quality results.

Current Topic - having problems
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