What % of commercial cleaners are using encapMay 3 2011 at 4:04 PM |
| I'm just considering entering the commercial carpet cleaning business in South Florida. I see encap as a great competetive advantage in this industry. Was just curious as to what you guys thought was the percentage of commercial cleaners that have caught on to encap? Is almost everyone using it? If that is the case I would think it is not such a competitive advantage anymore. Many thanks for your input! |
Author | Reply |
Steve Borcherdt
| Competitive edge | May 3 2011, 4:53 PM |
Your competitive edge should never be the method of cleaning you use. Quite honestly your competitive edge is you and the value you bring to the table. I can't speak for South Florida but being ten percent better than the next guy is all too often too easy. Showing up on time and ready to work cuts out quite a few sad to say. So figure out how you fit into the market place and how you are unique and forge ahead. Whether you think you can or you think you can't--you are probably right. |
| Re: Competitive edge | May 3 2011, 8:32 PM |
I worried about everyone else catching on too. But realized most people are not motivated enough to work hard. With that said I have bought 2 very lightly used cimexes over the past few years that the purchaser thought was going to make them rich. It is NOT the tool, but your work effort that makes you successful. |
Nick Palumbo
| Re: What % of commercial cleaners are using encap | May 4 2011, 7:33 AM |
Hey Mike, I know the other two guys really didn't answer your question I don't think. I would say that what they are telling you is true,and you need to keep that in mind. I would venture to say that most companies that do commerical work will use the cimex or the orbot also with rotary when encapping or bonnet cleaning. There are still plenty of people out there who HWE. IMO there is a need for both in different cases. I hope this helps. |
Don Eldred
| Re: What % of commercial cleaners are using encap | May 4 2011, 9:23 AM |
Companies that are successful in the commercial market use all cleaning methods, to answer your question I don't think anyone could give you an exact number. So much depends if you are cleaning their carpets on a schedule maintenance program or only when the carpets are visibly soiled.
Lots of great advise on above posts. |
| the number that do or admitt on forums they do? | May 10 2011, 8:44 PM |
I really think the two numbers are quite different. There are way too many people claiming to do commercial work HWE only at $0.11. |
Current Topic - What % of commercial cleaners are using encap |