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Repair solution elbow on Cimex

May 8 2011 at 2:11 PM
David Hansen  

I broke the little black plastic piece on the housing which the solution hose attaches to. After a brief panic and trying to fix it I turned to the Encap board and found some solutions to this crisis.

this post really helped:
I just thought I would share repair experience. We broke off the small black piece on the back of the Cimex that feeds the chemical under the yellow housing. I called Rick and he informed me that it would be rather difficult to repair because of the special tools needed. Well we limped along for a while with a temporary solution and finally got frustrated enough that we called Rick back and told him to send us the part. We got it in and within a half an hour we had it fixed. I am sure that I am not the only one this has happened to so I wanted to let everyone know how to do it. Take off the pad drivers, then unscrew the white piece of plastic on the bottom of the blue wheel drive wheel, then take off the belt. Easy so far, right. Now take off the bolt in the center of the blue deck. Then right above where the bolt was is a ring that you spread apart and pull it off, then the blue deck comes off. At this time replace the black piece that carries the chemical and put it back together in reverse. Hope this helps. Any questions let me know and I will walk you through it in more detail. I am not very mechanical but I figured it out.

Kevin Pearson

As well as one from Rick G on using a tube to effect a repair. Well I wanted to share a couple things I learned in the process that may help others.

Above it states you have to take off the bolt in the center to get at the snap ring and remove the blue housing. Well after trying every tool I had and many bloody fingers later I still couldn't get this bolt to come off. I got a snap ring tool from a neighbor and thought I would just try that. I found that the ring would come right off without removing the bolt. Bam, the blue housing is off and the repair can be made simply.

When putting it back on I found an internal bushing liked to slip on the blue housing and make it difficult. I repositioned the motor vertical instead of horizontal and it slid right on so I could put the snap ring in place and button it all up.

I didn't have the tube that Rick used but someone had left part of a fish pole at the house we live in and I used that. It was a nice graphite tube and it fit perfectly. I will still get a replacement part but this took the panic out of this weeks jobs.

Hope this helps someone in the future and thanks for the copious amounts of info people put into their posts.

Thanks, David Hansen


Rick Gelinas

Re: Repair solution elbow on Cimex

May 8 2011, 6:22 PM 

That's pretty slick David - "graphite tube from a fishing pole".
That idea was positively Shorty. LOL

Glad to hear you got it sorted out.

Rick Gelinas




Living in the sticks........

May 9 2011, 4:13 AM 

Living way up there on the Great Lakes, is akin to living in Cairns, except for the climate. wink.gif

What I mean is, us fellas living in the sticks, are a million miles from anywhere, with nowhere in between.

As such, one learns to adapt, we make do, we never let anything beat us, we are versatile but more methodical with our makeshift repairs than a redneck from 'bama. happy.gif

Onya mate for thinking ourside the box.


PS ::: I really don't deserve Rick's glowing appraisal. wink.gif


Kevin Pearson

I was in shock

May 9 2011, 9:45 AM 

The shock for me was looking at the post and realizing I had wrote that. Wow, I can't believe it helped somebody.

Well even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.

Current Topic - Repair solution elbow on Cimex
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