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punch & hydroforce

May 16 2011 at 9:36 PM

Next week I have a 10,000 sq ft banquet room carpet to deal with. For the last twenty years we have hot water extracted. I bought a cimex late last year and I am wondering if I use the cimex, prespraying areas with an electric sprayer will take forever. I thought perhaps I could use my hydroforce sprayer with punch and make this job go EASY.
I use a bucket heater to keep 5 gallons of water cookin while I'm cleaning with the cimex I would love to hear how everyone else keeps things running smooth. I love the machine, the punch and the Release.

Steve Dills

This might help

May 17 2011, 9:26 AM 

Not sure I am suppose to do this but sometimes I boost the Releasit DS with Punch added directly into the tank. It seems to produce a little more scrubbing foam during the Cimex operation. Which I like on dirty carpets. You loose the dwell time but it seems to work for me. This is especially handy if you are going to spray the entire area anyway.

Joe M

Yes you can

May 17 2011, 5:44 PM 

Yes, you can boost DS with punch. It will work just fine.


Rick Gelinas

Punch & HydroForce sprayer

May 18 2011, 5:58 AM 

Yes, you can use Encap-Punch with a HydroForce sprayer.
There is a dilution on the jug for that.
Should make your job easier.

Rick Gelinas




Whatever it takes - just do it.

May 18 2011, 7:18 AM 

I have been known to pre-spray heavily soiled areas with Punch after vacuuming, then clean with Releasit through Big Yella.

I've also added a compatible oxygenator to this. wink.gif

Using the gray maxi pads also boosts the cleaning pie for a better result.

Current Topic - punch & hydroforce
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS