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Punch and DS

May 22 2011 at 9:21 PM

Just wondering if there is a big differance between Punch and a DS the reason I ask is if not could you just use DS for encapping and HWE also just at less dilution than punch maybe?


Rick Gelinas

Encap-Clean and Encap-Punch are altogether different

May 23 2011, 8:57 AM 

Hello Andy,

Encap-Punch and Encap-Clean DS are completely different animals. Encap-Punch is built from a PRE-SPRAY standpoint. Whereas Encap-Clean is built from a SHAMPOO standpoint.

Pre-sprays contains solvents and surfactants that are intended to emulsify soil so they can be cleaned via hot water extraction. In the case of Encap-Punch we have balanced everything on the detergent side of the formula with encapsulating polymer on the other side of the equation. Encap-Punch is also a lower foam product that's compatible with HWE. So you have a good pre-spray that can also be used as a HWE rinse - since it WON'T attract soil like traditional pre-sprays would do, on account of its crystallizing encapsulation properties.

Shampoos on the other hand are not designed to emulsify soil in the same way that pre-sprays are designed to do. Shampoos contain a higher foaming surfactant. Encap-Clean is designed to loosen soil from the fiber and hold it in suspension. Then as the solution dries it will release from the fiber and be recovered during the normal routine of post-vacuuming.

Encap-Clean and Encap-Punch are entirely different formulations designed for different purposes. They have different detergent formulations. The two products are compatible with each other. However they are uniquely designed for their intended purpose so using one in place of the other is not going to give you optimum results.

There is one exception. You could use Encap-Punch mixed at 8 oz per gallon as a shampoo in a Cimex or scrubber. It won't foam up quite as much as Encap-Clean, so you will have to pay attention that you don't over-wet the carpet. But it will work if you compensate for the lower foaming characteristic of Encap-Punch.

They're both great products (best in the industry if you ask me), designed for specific purposes. Encap-Punch covers a lot of ground as a pre-spray, a rinse product, as well as a bonnet cleaner - all in one encap product. And Encap-Clean DS2 is the best product on the market for encap shampoo cleaning.

Hope this answers your question.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Gelinas




Punch usages

May 29 2011, 11:46 AM 

We have been using punch not so much as a prespray but more in the extraction rinse during HWE cleaning in residential cleanings. Its a good product that help prevent wick backs we find and leaves the carpet soft and fresh smelling when done.

We do use Punch as a prespray on commercial cimex cleaning activities. Especially on greasy restaurants or in break room setting due to oils and food matter issues.

for more dirty greasy setting we double the rate ie 24 oz a gallon of HOT water for punch and in some cases double the DS as well.

Had one restaurant we clean with older carpet we HAD to do that way to get looking good.. carpet replaced and we go back more often and have been able to use normal punch and for 2 gals water using 12 oz of DS. This seem to work real nice.

We use punch as prespray on some residents but for the most part use Judson O2 pre-spary with a bit of Sodium percorbonate..

Current Topic - Punch and DS
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