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Swirl Marks

June 7 2011 at 8:30 AM

I had a dentist call with a complaint about swirl marks left in her carpet after I cleaned with a Cimex. She tried to "vac" the marks out and they stayed. What is the best/easiest way to remove these swirl marks? I have a Butler and a CRB machine. Some of my customers love the marks left behine but this dentist does not.

Don Eldred

Re: Swirl Marks

June 7 2011, 3:33 PM 

When they bought the carpet it did not have swirl marks in it, so I understand why they are not happy. You should have groomed the carpet before it dried. To correct it you will need to re-wet the carpet and do a good grooming.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Swirl Marks

June 7 2011, 5:32 PM 

Many customers don't have a problem with swirls. My favorite personal experience was when we were servicing a very upscale store in a mall in Tampa. The VP of their entire corporation was planning a visit to their store. They wanted us to clean the carpet the night before the visit. I told them we should do it earlier in the week so the swirl marks would work their way out of their plush cut pile carpet before the visit. They said NO we like the swirls! So we went ahead and serviced the store the night before the visit. I checked back later and they said everything was great. Go figure.

Like Don stated above.. "To correct it you will need to re-wet the carpet and do a good grooming."

Other than that, the swirls will also disappear after a few days of normal foot traffic and routine vacuuming.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 7, 2011 5:41 PM


Horses for courses

June 7 2011, 5:57 PM 

I CAN see Dons' point of view here, re; the carpet NOT having swirl marks when purchased.

I also agree with Rick's story of the swirls in the carpet.

I clean a chain of travel agents that have a plush red carpet.

I do a scallop pattern in each carpet as I finish.

The management, staff and customers love it and I have been told by management to always leave the carpet in this state rather than rake it.

So now, I carry a tablet with photos of various jobs and the end result on plush carpet, both with scallop design or raked, and let the customer decide.

Horses for courses, some love it, others hate it.

Whatever works for them, works for me.

Here's one of the jobs.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Hope I haven't confused you. wink.gif


PS ::: OOOps sad.gif forgot the important bit:

As above, re-wet the carpet and rake as suggested, humble pie is sweet when complaints are sorted quickly. wink.gif

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Jun 7, 2011 5:59 PM


Re: Swirl Marks

June 7 2011, 10:33 PM 

Thanks for the info!

Current Topic - Swirl Marks
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