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Water Temps For Releasit

June 8 2011 at 4:47 PM

What temp does the water needs to be to mix the juice up in?

Does hot water from the tap work fine?

Does more or less heat make a difference in performance?

I can hook up to my truck mount to produce hotter water if I need to.

christopher garrison

Re: Water Temps For Releasit

June 9 2011, 8:04 AM 

I use hot tap water every time and get great results. The chem will work in cold too but hot is always better if available. The cleaning pie: heat, agitation, time, chemical, I think that is right?


Kevin Pearson

Re: Water Temps For Releasit

June 9 2011, 5:47 PM 

I think I have had this discussion with Rick before and while you are generally correct in thinking that mixing up the chem with hot water should work better. We have found that if it does work better with hot water than it is not visible with the human eye. However, we do mix it with hot water off of our truck mount when possible for commercial


HOT water

June 21 2011, 6:28 PM 

a lot of restaurant and food service places have HOT water in the kitchen. we usually go with the hottest stuff we can find. Especially on the greasy ones with hot water and punch prespray.. magical to say the least..

be sure to use a good commercial pump up spray or they will explode..

been there, done that.. did not get the t-shirt.. happy.gif

Current Topic - Water Temps For Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS