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Peroxide Prespray?

June 15 2011 at 5:17 PM

Joe DeSouza  

This is the situation: I have a commercial client (hotel) that the carpet is lookin sorta dingy...I want to brighten up the carpet, in particular the medallions in the banquet rooms that have a lot of white areas that now look a dingy grey...

Ive been cimex / encapping this area for quite a while, and I think that may be part of the problem - I have to HWE it this time around and hopefully it will look better...then go back to encap and periodically HWE...Ive used hydrox with the orbot and it was better, but this time they are requesting that I HWE...

Im thinking a good prespray with peroxide in it may work? Is there any presprays with peroxide in it already? (I know about hydrox, but isnt that for encap only?) Or should I add some to, lets say, chemeister grease eraser and use that? If I did do that, how much peroxide to a 5 qt 9:1 hydroforce container?

Any other ideas how to make this carpet "pop"?




Rick Gelinas

Re: Peroxide Prespray?

June 15 2011, 6:11 PM 

Encap-HydrOx can't be mixed with any other detergents. It has a very acidic pH and is NOT compatible with other detergents. But as a peroxide based cleaner it can accomplish some pretty cool stuff on its own merit.

You can perform HWE with HydrOx. It's kind of a crossover product on the point of foam. Just keep in mind that there will be some more foam than a straight dedicated HWE detergent, but it is manageable. You can also sprinkle some of the Releasit Crystal Defoamer "Foam-Guard" onto the carpet.

Here's a final thought, you could scrub the carpet with the Cimex with ENcap-HydrOx in the tank. Then rinse with a light mix of HydrOx in the extractor. And like I said, you might want to toss down a little Foam-Guard if foaming is an issue.

Here's a link to Foam-Guard...
It's great stuff - very practical to work with.

Rick Gelinas




Joe DeSouza


June 15 2011, 6:22 PM 

I didnt know that hydrox can be used as a HWE detergent!! Im gonna order some soon, as i'm just going to try a section of carpet to see how it will come out first (to see if they like it)

Thanks for the advice, Rick!



Re: Kewel!

June 17 2011, 11:40 PM 

I've used Hydrox as a HWE on a residential berber with many urine spots. I pre-sprayed hydrox and used it in my rinse. Worked great! Rick is right on the foaming. Good luck.

Current Topic - Peroxide Prespray?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS