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Help with blood stain

June 15 2011 at 7:21 PM

I'm going to be doing a doctors office and will be using my cimex, doctor pointed out a stain that if he didn't tell me i would have never known it was blood, just looks liked a normal stain to me--so what would be the best way to approach this stain as far as procedure and and chem

thanks in advance for your help


Rick Gelinas

Re: Help with blood stain

June 15 2011, 7:34 PM 

Extract with cold water using Encap-HydrOx. Very simple.

If it's a tiny spot, you could possibly just encap it with Encap-HydrOx with cool water.
But extraction cleaning with blood is generally always the recommended method.

Rick Gelinas




blood stain

June 15 2011, 8:03 PM 

Thanks Rick, well I am bringing along my extractor because I have to do some waiting room
chairs as well, can't use the cimex on them, however i have no Encap-HydrOx and don't know if any of my local suppliers have that, any thing else i could use, i do have the 16oz samples of your encap punch and encap-clean DS2 that I will be giving a try on this job, however with all the good i read about the encap clean DS2 I have already ordered some online this morning but I know i won't have that till sometime next week-in the mean time i'll just use what i have available from local interlink and adco pro suppliers.


Rick Gelinas

Re: blood stain

June 16 2011, 3:45 AM 

If you have to go to Interlink, pick up an enzyme spotter. Apply it directly to the spot. Cover the spot with plastic. Let it dwell while you clean the rest of the carpet. Then at the end of the job, extract the spot thoroughly. It'll take good care of it. Always remember, cold water works best on blood.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Help with blood stain
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