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help with stain

June 23 2011 at 6:29 PM

Got a call from a place that rents out a 3900 sq ft room for weddings and such, well they just had a wedding there and there are red stains all over the place from what they tell me it's from the iceing from the wedding cake, there normal guy can not get any of the stains out, they called him while i was there to ask him how he tried to get out the stains and he said he used the "hot iron method" and cool aid remover stuff--well if i can get out the stains i can win over this account--so any help anyone can use would be great--it's just your normal commercial carpet--I have a cimex, 175 rotary and mytee M5 portable, roto vac 360i with carpet brush head

Joe Gilstrap

Re: help with stain

June 23 2011, 7:11 PM 

Red Relief and a steam iron are the best thing going for red dye.

Steve Borcherdt

help with stain

June 23 2011, 7:15 PM 

I don't have your definitive answer, just a thought or two.

The "Hot Iron Method and Kool-Aid remover stuff" may have set the stain.

I would attempt to adjust the client expectation right away. I would mention the possibility of a permanent stain but that you will try your best to reduce or remove it.

I would get them to own the fact that they don't just have "dirt" but that it may have crossed the line into damage.

You may be their regular guy anyway even if you are not able to completely remove the stain just for the fact that you didn't "cause it"

Obviously your chances are better if you do. I usually tell a client that I don't guarantee that any particular stain will or will not come out. That way you are a hero if it does but not the goat if it doesn't.



Help with Stain ( For Kevin)

June 24 2011, 5:41 PM 

This is my TEST carpet I have been playing with for the last few days.
It is a smaller triangle piece and these are the items I put on it. I have let it set for at least the last 4 days.

Black Glossy Spray Paint
Orange Soda
Barbeque Sauce
Black Marker
RED Food Dye

I went down the middle of the black paint and took everything else away. That's why you still see some paint. I did not try to remove all of that.

TESTCARPET6-24-11 001

TESTCARPET6-24-11 002

TESTCARPET6-24-11 004

This pic shows between the black paint

TESTCARPET6-24-11 008

This is where all the other junk was

TESTCARPET6-24-11 003

End Results after a little bit of D/S & HWE with upholstery tool.

TESTCARPET6-24-11 006

Kevin, If you want to know the stain kit I used send me an e-mail at:


Rick Gelinas

Re: Help with Stain ( For Kevin)

June 24 2011, 6:24 PM 

I agree with Joe and Steve above. Red relief from CTI is an awesome product. Also CTI's product called Red One is great too. And as Steve mentioned, you might want to prequalify this one because it's very possible that the previous cleaner set the red stains permanently by using an iron. Let us know how you make out.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - help with stain
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