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So what is best juice and mixture for upholstery?

June 25 2011 at 10:22 PM

With all the talk recently about upholstery cleaning, What is the preferred juice and process to clean uphostery? I have to clean some next week and would like some advise. Thanks.

Joe M

my 2 cents

June 25 2011, 11:27 PM 

Ds whipped into a foam, (mix some in a bucket with warm water) then use a sea sponge or horsehair brush to apply the foam,, rub then white towel off.

I do all uph this way, I love it. Safe and it works and the wow factor with the customer is great.


Rick Gelinas

Re: my 2 cents

June 26 2011, 5:58 PM 

Joe is spot on.

I would only add that on natural fiber such as cotton etc (that might possibly brown) - Encap-HydrOx is a great option. It'll eliminate the chance of browning.

And using the Rota brush is an efficient way to agitate upholstery fabric. Run the drill at low speed (half speed or less on a variable drill).

After the upholstery is brushed/agitated, the fabric can be toweled off with a terrry-cloth towel.

That's it. Very simple. Very efficient. Very effective. Very profitable happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



Joe M

Good point

June 26 2011, 10:46 PM 

Good point Rick, even though I have never had a problem with DS when I hand shampoo, it's better to be safe then sorry.


Re: my 2 cents

June 27 2011, 8:24 AM 

This message has been edited by AlmondsSteamCleaning on Jun 27, 2011 8:47 AM


Re: my 2 cents

June 27 2011, 2:16 PM 

i should try the method Joe outlined...i keep turning resi upholstery work away.

for comm upholstery, i spray it on with my MultiSprayer, then use my CycloPolisher to work it in, then towel off. i am thinking the Cyclo might be too aggressive for resi upholstery. cleaning by hand seems a better way to go for me, if i were to do it.

good thread!


Re: my 2 cents

June 27 2011, 6:51 PM 

Thanks guys for all the info. I will definitely give this a try next week!

Current Topic - So what is best juice and mixture for upholstery?
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