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What happened to the Scrub3

June 30 2011 at 6:10 AM

Rick Gelinas  

This question was asked over on TruckMount Forum...
"What happened to the Scrub3 attachment"
I thought I would also share the answer here too.

We actually still have a nice supply of Scrub3's in our warehouse. But we're not selling them at this point, because some people just couldn't get the hang of working with the unit. The Scrub3 needed to be pushed forward in a straight line just like the Cimex. However most 175 Rotary guys wanted to use it in the typical side to side fashion of a Rotary machine. Running it like a standard Rotary caused the Scrub3 to not run smoothly. After all, the Cimex has rear wheels and a floating head to keep its 3 spinning drivers leveled out.

We're still looking at finding a way to make the Scrub3 simpler for the masses. Until that happens, the Scrub3 has been scrubbed for the time being. Thanks for the interest.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 30, 2011 6:11 AM


Joe DeSouza

Re: What happened to the Scrub3

June 30 2011, 8:46 AM 

How about designing a set of wheels with a universal attachment that could be mounted onto most popular floor machines for balance?


Nick Palumbo

Re: What happened to the Scrub3

June 30 2011, 12:19 PM 

Rick, I'm not sure I understand. Why don't users with a 175 want to go straight forward an turn like the cimex. I would think the want it to work like the cimex. what am I missing?

Joe M

Why punish

June 30 2011, 12:57 PM 

Why punish the people that do understand how to use it?


Wheely ?

June 30 2011, 5:25 PM 

Nick, I think I can see the problem there.

Now, I'm not entirely sure how the wheels are mounted on the rotaries over in your part of the world, but down under the axle is mounted in such a way that you place your foot under it then lift it and the wheels up, off the floor.

Leaving them down on the floor makes the machine unstable to use.

If your machines wheels can be left down, I can't see a problem, other than operator resistance.

I have seen many operators that can't push a rotary in a straight line, and many have told me it can't be done.

Didn't stop me from doing it for a couple of decades though.

I even taught some small Thai girls in Bangkok how to use the rotary easier, and also in a straight line.

Many people get set in their ways and do not like to change, or convince themselves that things can't be done differently to how it's always been done.

That, I believe, is one of the biggest setbacks in our industry for change.


Nick Palumbo

Re: Wheely ?

June 30 2011, 7:19 PM 

Yeah Shorty, my wheels on the 175 would not be on the ground and yes some people would have a hard time with it.


Re: What happened to the Scrub3

June 30 2011, 2:14 PM 

It sure looked like a great tool when you showed it last year at Mikeyfest.

It made sense to offer entry level experience for those on wanting a Cimex but not having or wanting to spend the money on an unknown commodity.

[linked image] I don't get some people, you tell them how to use it, they use it wrong and then complain about it's operation.

That's too bad Rick, it was a great idea.


Re: What happened to the Scrub3

July 1 2011, 6:31 AM 

We purchased a Scrub3 it works well, the problem is due to the height of the attachment even if you have wheels that could be used with your current buffer set it, with the Scrub 3 they will not.

I did not like the way the water dispersed especially when the machine stopped then started again (splashing ) while I am sure it is part of a learning curve I am impatient so i revamped it to my liking.

On VCT the thing is a killer


<a href="">non voice projects</a>

July 7 2011, 3:04 AM 

well thanks for the information
non voice projects

Current Topic - What happened to the Scrub3
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