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Restoration vs. Intermediate Carpet Care

July 8 2011 at 2:00 PM
David D Hansen  


I have been running the Cimex with encap for about 6 months and I am pleased with the results and the money I am paid.

I just ordered a SD XL-15 today (from Rick G of course) and wondered if any of you price jobs differently when using a machine like this??

I could see this from two view points;

One being that they customer wants clean carpet and this is the right machine to do it and it costs regular rates...or...

You could view this as restoration, above standard rates and charge more (if you can get it).

Sure would be curious to know how you see this issue.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

David Hansen




July 8 2011, 5:10 PM 

You can tell your client that the carpet needs to be flushed out every once in awhile and it will cost a little more to do that. Then cimex the rest of the time. How about the next time you clean, you invite your client for a short demo and pick the dirtiest hallway to flush out. Let them see the dirt that comes out. Maybe they will go for it.


Re: S/D

July 9 2011, 9:07 AM 

I do it this way, any client on a maintenance program pays a set amount each month every month for they years cleaning.

Factored in is what we think it takes to keep the floors to always look clean with in the clients budget( you did go over what is in the budget rite?) paying a small amount each months rather then a larger bill either for different services of for doing a little more one month then the other to me just makes sense. We have found clients are more receptive to this cash flow is steady it makes someone else getting your accounts harder for various reasons


Current Topic - Restoration vs. Intermediate Carpet Care
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