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business name help

July 12 2011 at 1:23 AM

i was thinking Clean Carpet Pro or Kwik-Dri



July 12 2011, 3:25 AM 

You might want to check for trademark/servicemark infringements when looking at names. Kwik Dry has a new application being processed in the carpet cleaning category and is very close to Kwik-Dri. You might be safe using it because it's not been reviewed or published for opposition yet but it could come back to bite you if it becomes registered.

Finding a good name that fits your business and web address that matches takes some effort. You may also want to check your state's database for corporate names already taken. Generic common words, locations and other things like carpet cleaning in a name are not exclusive and are safe to use. I found this out when I was set on a business name in another field and found out that it was a federally registered name. I'd say good luck with your business but it does take a lot of effort to start one a be successful. Keep going forward everyday and you will get there.

you can also hit the Trademark Document Retrieval link to review the documents

This message has been edited by Dennis-WA on Jul 12, 2011 12:46 PM
This message has been edited by Dennis-WA on Jul 12, 2011 12:39 PM
This message has been edited by Dennis-WA on Jul 12, 2011 3:25 AM

Nick Palumbo

Re: business name help

July 12 2011, 8:20 AM 

I agree with Dennis, I think both names are already taken. Check out the link Dennis gave you. Good luck.

Ranger Inman

Business name

July 12 2011, 5:46 PM 

Remember that your business name might need to be found in places like the phone book, Super Pages, etc. Will a special spelling of Kwik-Dri cause any problems for the average customer. You don't want to have a fancy name that people can't find when they lose the business card that use to be on the refrigerator. I have seen companies that have had to change their name just for that reason.....can't find it because of a special spelling. Just a thought!

Current Topic - business name help
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