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cimex handle size

July 12 2011 at 1:17 PM


Does anyone know the actual circumference of the "handel-bar"? Looking to replace with something with a better fit than the op grips I have on now,they're to loose.


Re: cimex handle size

July 12 2011, 4:43 PM 

idk but i've bought normal bicycle handle grips and they've fit perfect...must be a standard bike size.

VERY hard to get them on they're so tight. then my bud told me to use an air compressor...worked like a charm!

Ranger Inman

Cimex handle

July 12 2011, 5:56 PM 

If the new bike grips are just "a little" loose, I use to wrap double-face tape around the metal, pour alcohol over the tape, and while wet QUICKLY slide the grip over the tape. When the alcohol dries, the tape will adhere to the grip.
The other way would be a Gorilla Glue. Glue the metal, wet the inside of the grip, then rotate (roll on) the new grip. The glue will expand. Cut off any glue that protrudes after dry. It will be yellow in color and easily removed.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex handle

July 13 2011, 2:46 AM 

Yes, the Cimex grips are standard bicycle/BMX sized grips.

Some nice suggestions above about installing grips. Here's one more tip for handlebar grips (taken from my years working in bicycle shops when I was a kid)... hairspray. Spray some hairspray inside the grip. It'll slide on like it's been greased. And when the hairspray dries, it'll stick like a barnacle.

Rick Gelinas




Joe DeSouza

Buy them from Rick!!

July 13 2011, 4:02 PM 

I bought replacement grips from rick 3 weeks ago and they were MUCH better that bike grips!! They fill your hand because they are thicker and a bit longer too...I bought them because the bike grips wore out pretty quick, and ricks were comparable in price - Im glad I bought them...



Motorcycle grips

July 14 2011, 9:16 PM 

I bought some foam motorcycle grip handles that fit perfect and are very comfortable for many hours at a time, plus you feel like the urge to throddle the right handle as if on a Harley!

Current Topic - cimex handle size
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