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Releasit on berber?

July 19 2011 at 12:26 AM

I did an inspection today on a new clients day spa. It's Berber carpeting however doesn't have a deep cut, in fact its relatively flat. My concern is that in the walkways the fibers have been crushed causing them to lay to one side. This floor is in a day spa so the other concern is that encapsulation will be able to get it clean.

I have a brand new cimex, have never done encapsulation, and am looking for any input. Will encapsulation work for a day spa where there may be some oil residue? Will the cimex hurt the Berber carpeting? Thank you - Stephen


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit on berber?

July 19 2011, 1:21 AM 

The Cimex will not hurt Berber. And Releasit works great on Berber. Encap-Clean cuts oils and does wonders on olefin such as you're describing. Crushing and matting of olefin fiber is very common (it's a junk fiber).

1. Mix the detergent at 6 oz per gallon rather than the normal 4 oz per gallon so that you can get foam to occur while using less fluid.
2. Keep your moisture level to a minimum. Make additional dry passes with the Cimex.

Since you are new to encap, you should probably get some practice with your Cimex elsewhere before starting on your new account. And although as stated above - Releasit and the Cimex can normally take care of oily olefin - your mileage may vary, since there's no way for us to see the oils or the condition of the carpet; but I think you should get pretty good results using this system.

I wish you success! Take pictures.

Rick Gelinas




What makes encapsulation different than...

July 19 2011, 11:20 PM 

What makes encapsulation different than shampooing. My father, who is now retired from carpet cleaning, says "all that encapsulation crap sucks just as much as shampooing, in fact, there's no difference". My concern is that a customer, who has had shampooing done before and not liked it, will make the same blanket statement and i wont have an answer. Thanks for the help!


Rick Gelinas

This is NOT your father's "shampoo"

July 20 2011, 3:29 AM 

Your father is right, shampooing has it's limitations!!! Old school shampoos would load up in the carpet and create a gunky mess that would attract soil. In fact it was the failure of the shampoo method that paved the way for HWE and truckmounts to come along and make such a stronghold foothold in the industry. And he is also right that today's encap is a variation on the old shampoo method. It is similar in that we are scrubbing or shampooing the carpet - the cleaning process is the same.

So then what's the difference with the new style encap products (like Releasit)? It's the fact that the new better quality encap products (likeReleasit) can be formulated with newer polymers that weren't available in the past. These newer polymer technologies are making it possible to achieve true encapsulation. The soil can be encapsulated within the polymer, which it can then be extracted through the normal routine of post-vacuuming. Some of the old school shampoos may have also contained polymer, but those older polymers paled in comparison to what's being developed for the carpet cleaning industry today. The new encap products that are based on god polymer technology (like Releasit) are forging a path that wasn't possible with the old school shampoos. This is NOT your father's "shampoo". wink.gif

Rick Gelinas




Last Question

July 20 2011, 9:38 AM 

I guess One of my concerns with encapsulation is that there will be a residue or film on the carpet that will become tacky and attract more soil, or a buildup of product will occur over time causing the same affect. I am waiting for the sample packs I ordered from you guys and we will see but what are your thoughts in the mean time, can it get tacky?

Thank you for your willingness to answer questions we have!

Ps My question applies to commercial carpet cleaning specifically here.

This message has been edited by stephenmeyer on Jul 20, 2011 9:39 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Last Question

July 21 2011, 10:38 AM 

(A) The CRYSTALON3 polymer in Releasit resists soil, it won't attract it.

(B) The polymer will resolublize if it gets wet again. It will actually dissolve back into a liquid, and then crystalize again after it dries.

A carpet cleaned with Releasit will stay cleaner longer than a carpet cleaned with a traditional carpet detergent.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Releasit on berber?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS