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July 22 2011 at 7:58 PM


Got my first box of D/S2 today just in time to test it on berber
carpet in an office building tonight at 6pm. The UPS guy must have gotten thirsty cause the mug and measuring cup was missing. No big deal. There were 2 spots in the hallway that I cleaned over twice and it was still there. Then I put some regular Encap D/S on the spots and scrubbed with a brush. Got the spots up. When I tested the carpet the other day I used my D/S reg. and left clean spots in the middle of the dirt spots. I always test carpet on every estimate. The D/S2 was mixed at 6 oz. Probably my next commercial cleaning will be at the local Pizza Hut. I cleaned it last month with reg D/S and all the dirt came up easy. Even the grease spots. That job got me on their preferred vendor list.

So is the old Encap D/S gone for good or is there still some in stock?
Did anyone else compare the two cleaners side by side and do you like one better than the other? Just trying to test this chem and make an honest review.


Rick Gelinas

Re: DS2

July 23 2011, 12:58 PM 

Hey Charles,

We ran extensive testing on DS2 over the months of its development on a wide array of various soil conditions. In all of our tests, the new product performed slightly better than the original DS. It wasn't until we knew that we had a superior formulation that we pulled the trigger and made the switch.

So if you found a spot that it didn't clean as well, that would seem to be the exception. Keep comparing it on some other stuff and let us know what you think. I think you're gonna be impressed with the way it leaves the carpet cleaner and brighter than even the original version did (and the original version was pretty respectable to begin with).

BTW - the original version is no longer being produced. Thanks for the feedback.

Rick Gelinas






July 23 2011, 5:03 PM 

Overall the D/S2 cleaned the carpet ok, but one spot on the bottom floor of course in the traffic area had a spot that wouldn't go away. After I put some reg D/S on it and scrubbed by hand with a brush it looked ok. I just made another appointment with my Pizza Hut to clean again and the D/S2 will be put to the real test. Where their servers come from the kitchen to the carpet, they leave grease on the rug. All of the customers spill drinks and stuff like crazy. Their carpet doesn't look as bad after I cleaned it compared to some other guy who tried. But not every company is a real cleaning company. On the side of my van it says "Cleaned Right The First Time" so I try to make every job as perfect as possible. I know if you didn't clean your carpet in a long time I can't make it look new. I use your products on all of my cleaning jobs because I can count on them to get carpet clean. D/S on all berber & commercial and Encap Basic on residential along with HWE.



Pics From Last Night

July 23 2011, 6:14 PM 

Berber carpet cleaned with D/S2.

HALVERSTON 7-22-11 001

A little Blurry but you can see the dirt.

HALVERSTON 7-22-11 003

After Cleaning: This pic to the right is clean but a shadow from the sofa.

HALVERSTON 7-22-11 005

Same with this pic shadow on the right

HALVERSTON 7-22-11 004



Rick Pics From Pizza Hut 6-17-11

July 23 2011, 6:21 PM 

Cleaned with only regular D/S. Carpet was real greasy and lot's of spills.

PIZZAHUT6-17-11 005

PIZZAHUT6-17-11 006


Joe DeSouza

Just as good....

July 24 2011, 12:10 PM 

The new DS2 is just as good as the old one...worked wonders in a dirty retail mall we cleaned




Just As Good / Joe Des.

July 24 2011, 4:18 PM 

Joe I only had one problem on the bottom floor in the hall.
Who knows what was in the carpet. They have a nice runner for traffic lanes. You can see how dirty some of the spots were. Those real dirty spots came out ok. Of course it is a crappy berber carpet. You know that Chemical Dry Wet drier healthy stuff similar to the Carpet Stick? They were in there 2 years ago. That's why I got called. I'm always cleaning up after some franchise no matter what color van they have. I'm still giving the D/S2 a chance. Pizza Hut is the next challenge.

Current Topic - DS2
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